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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2018

    Default Shortsword on divine classes

    As of right now the only way to get shortsword as favored weapons is being a drow. Can we not? this means that if you dont want to or cant be a drow and want to use shortsword you are limited to Fighter, monk(we all know ninja spy needs some work and is behind a lot of other classes), barbarian (are you really gonna use shortswords as a barb?) rogue (are you really not gonna use dagger and VKF?), bard, Ranger (not viable will use scimitar of course) and the rest of the caster classes which most will use clubs. this leaves us with Eldritch knights. most of the specs that can use them are just better to use other weapons.

    I feel like this iconic weapon should have a bit more representation in the meta Maybe a "squire training" feat which could act like knights training. Maybe a new feat called Divine Training:"weapon" which would add a specific weapon as a favored weapon. Short swords are not the only weapon with extremely restrictive choice of build. picks, rapiers and greatclub are some of the weapons that have little to no place in the meta right now. Being able to decide which weapon is your favored weapon as a paladin, cleric or FVS would allow more assets of the game to be used and be overall more fun.

    I feel like there are some ways to make them more popular/available without straight up buffing them

    (or update the old elves models. I know it takes time and money, im just an optimistic kid.)

  2. #2
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    You can really do anything you want ... that is the beauty of DDO. Not everything has to be uber optimized. Play to have fun. My 2 cents.

    Edited to add ... of course I get that you would miss out on a lot by running certain divines with a weapon other than a favored weapon.
    Last edited by thwart; 05-03-2021 at 06:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by thwart View Post
    You can really do anything you want ... that is the beauty of DDO. Not everything has to be uber optimized. Play to have fun. My 2 cents.

    Edited to add ... of course I get that you would miss out on a lot by running certain divines with a weapon other than a favored weapon.
    True but there is a difference between uber optimised and just decent. I could make a wood elf warpriest that uses shortsword but then I could only run normal and maybe hard because most of the tree is useless if you dont use your religions favored weapon. hence why a feat that allows you to add a favored weapon would only allow for more warpriest out there without being overly broken. Most meta weapons are already available as favored weapons, why not add an option for weapons that are out of meta/less good.

  4. #4
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riperz View Post
    As of right now the only way to get shortsword as favored weapons is being a drow.
    Drow TWF Pally is good enough for elite/R1 even on a first life, especially if you had some cool short swords you were looking for a way to use. It's not Top Tier and you aren't going to be soloing R10, but it's not hot garbage.

  5. #5
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    In a way you can have shortswords for other classes as well : Via the Feydark Illusionist tree ...
    It's not perfect, but ... who's perfect ?
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  6. #6
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    There is precisely one viable reason I can think of you'd need a Favored Shortsword: you're a FvS/Swash using WIS/CHA. The only other reason to need a FW at all is Paladin for Blessed Purpose, but the only reason you'd want Shortsword over Long is if you were Swash, and you cant go Pal/Bard.

    For all other Divines, Favored Weapon is really just an afterthought...its not required for anything major, and usually going Longsword+KT (or VKF) for SWF/TWF, regardless of deity, is better than whatever FW gives you.

    So if you're just looking for that one specific flavor build anyway, I dont feel being bound to Drow is that big a handicap. Plenty of other successful builds are race-locked. There needs to be some rolespace defined for races, after all...

    And even then, you could just as easily go Sickle instead of Shortsword, and that opens up Olladra to all races.

  7. #7
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    I played a Drow TWF SS FvS/Ninja build with 2 FtR for Feats.

    It honestly wasn't that bad. For Heroic. lel

    Beyond that I have still seen some SS Builds on reaper. Like SS Swashie and SS Assassin. Yeah Daggers got that VKF snazzyness, but Feydark Illusionist kinda papers over it a little, as does Falconry if yer doin' WIS.

    Sometime ya juss gotta gimp it up. Hell I love TWF Heavy Picks.

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