Look, I know it's Hard Core and supposed to be, well, HARD I get it. I understand that if I make a mistake like jumping into a trap in the wrong place or aggroing too man monsters at once I'm going to die. I even like that. I play carefully for the most part.

Today, however, I have a complaint. ok I was in Elite TOEE solo. but I was just carefully farming out some kills for XP. going slow and careful. my hirelings accidentally grabbed too many groups of mobs aggro and I saw it so I turned around and ran to the door to take me back to the entrance level and bug out. THIS IS BEING CAREFUL AND SMART. I got to the door WELL ahead of the mobs, like several seconds maybe even ten or so. I was so far ahead I was completely out of sight of the mobs, yes they were coming but I had lots of time. THE DOOR DID NOT WORK! I mean there was nothing to even click! no door icon on my cursor, no reaction to me using Q and E, no door to select. none. I was unable to get to my teleport scrolls before the mobs got to me and frankly I had wasted my time trying to click a door that wasn't there. I really don't mind losing a toon to reasonable situations, even lag as it is a constant in the game and to be expected. there was no lag for me or at least no more than at any other time. the dungeon alert and being hit by a few arrows had slowed me down but I was prepared for that.

I feel like this is some top shelf BS.

is the door to the upper level supposed to go away during a dungeon alert? I have never seen it do so before.

this is the one and only time I have lost a character where I think it should be given back. this is nonsense (I would prefer to use some of my sailor words here)