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This build is fairly decent. It has a small vulnerability - like many builds - when it gets stuck and can't take any actions. You've got Fear and Enchantment saves pretty well locked up (no-fail on 1), so you don't have to worry much about Hold Person, Fear, or similar spells. You also have more-than-decent stats with the +8 tome, so you don't have to worry too much about stat damage leaving you helpless. However, later on, Otto's Irresistible Dance (no saving throw) and Snare-type traps (Bear Traps, for example) may present problems, such as not being able to drink pots or heal yourself. I don't know if this build would be immune to disease, and you might end up facing a similar maggots problem with no immediately obvious viable solution (hindsight solutions usually do present themselves after the fact, regardless of the source). Lag will also always be a problem, and similarly waiting for a loading screen.
If you were running your Pale Master trapper and died (not immune to maggots disease), the solution is that you should almost always have your DA and LDA spells running. Those two would have easily kept pace with those maggots, though less so in Reaper. For example, I recently lagged out fighting a mimic (elite, Slave Lords) and had about 30 seconds of straight lag. I emerged without a scratch and the mimic was dead thanks to DA and LDA running, and plenty of tanky defenses. I have my Neg Energy Burst hot-keyed so I only have to press "H" and I get a maximized heal. Later, I'll Quicken it for faster and nearly unbreakable casting.
Another thing to consider is how you would fare against Dispel effects taking down buffs like Death Ward. It looks like this build will have decent PRR and MRR along with great saves, but it helps to have a plan for surviving when mobs are also casting dispel. An example is the Beholder and Thaarak Hound combination in a number of quests. While an Anti-Beholder crystal will protect against the beholder's attacks, you won't be immune to the dispel effects. Then, if you get hit by a champ Thaarak Hound's sonic attack, that could be deadly. Or, what if you have Death Ward dispelled? Granted, your +8 tome helps considerably by adding about a 20% reduced chance of dispels knocking down your buffs, but I like to eliminate chances and go with certainty whenever possible and avoid interacting with Murphy's Law.