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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Want to buy guest pass(es)

    As per the title. Making the trek to 5k favor, wondering what you'd want in exchange for guest passes to ravenloft (200 DP I think) and sharn (100 DP I think). Have some plat, some crafting stuff, some doubleslot items, or stuff on sarlona or ghallanda (and to a much lesser degree, cannith) to trade. If you hook me up and we run together, I'd pass anything I pull that you want . I'm sitting at 14 with all other 10's and 11's done, so could immediately run all of RL, probably a week or two out on running sharn.

    Priority is sharn guest pass - don't like those so don't really want to buy it. I'd buy ravenloft from the market, but it's tied to motu and shadowfell..

    Can message/respond here or contact Pseudopod in game


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2012



    No longer need ravenloft. Still would love a sharn guest pass. Would be happy to pass named items if we ran together, or mail you all my mats that I pull.


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