I don't have any agenda- I am just curious what the community thinks after trying out builds with the U49 changes. Please post your reasons too if you have time.
Strongly Like
Strongly Dislike
I don't have any agenda- I am just curious what the community thinks after trying out builds with the U49 changes. Please post your reasons too if you have time.
Lessee here:
Weapon swap outs causing around 2 seconds of helplessness.
No offhand procs whatsoever going off that I can tell.
Even more lag than before.
I’m suddenly reminded of that fool that had the “Mission Accomplished” banner hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln back in ‘03.
It's too early to have this discussion.
There's too much activity with people logging in and out on various characters to try them out right after the servers have come back up.
By this time on Friday we'll all have a pretty good idea of what the changes have done.
My response right now would be neutral as a mostly solo player, with the caveat that my latency is more than double what it usually is at 82ms. I saw no difference in attack animations or results with THF (spec'd for) and Bow (used as a long range answer to things hard to get close too.)
More Lag
New kinds of lag. Quest giver lag and Quest progress lag.
I had some time to play and now it is just not worth it.
I am no longer going to pay to support this adjustment period any further.
I was willing to spend a $1000 a year on this game, not any more.
Hopefully in the future EG7 will step in and adjust things wanting my money again.
Protect the Silver Flame at all costs!
The poll and the forum clearly show negative feedback for the most part.
However, most who complain now, will buy the new pack, renew the vip etc ...
Do you want to be heard? Manage your money spent on the game better, they may not even care about your voice, but they care about the money, everyone does.
Hate it.
My mains build is fubar, big changes needed. Respec may not ever happen though because the new bow animation looks like it was mocapped from a toddler running around with a toy bow. I guess the animator is second rate and gets all their reference material from bad anime.
Besides the long loading instances, doorways, screens, and ui's to pop up. Update isn't *bad* I went from 1,053 positive spell power all the way to 1,256 this update fully buffed. I'm not complaining, just pulled a m3 rp3 Morion of the Undying. However, the condition of the lag is freaking ridiculous, and was worse running those quests than I've had in a while.
Holy lag balls.
I know there are probably a lot of people on, checking out the changes, but the servers ought to be able to handle that. My load screens are lasting over 60 seconds. The quest entry UI for the new quests is taking 2+ minutes to pop up. Not an improvement...
Sarlona Server - Evasca, Imandria, Aasinqa, Kiicha, Araknia, Milria, etc...
Officer of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack"
Visit http://thewulfepack.shivtr.com/
Last edited by Assassination; 04-21-2021 at 08:04 PM.
Too Early ? Hardly, thats why they have a DEV server to try stuff on before going live. Stop making excuses for them, it's a service most pay for. Would it be ok if you bought new tires and they only put 3 on your car? I'lL GiVe ThEm UnTiL FrIdAy To PuT ThE 4th TiRe oN
* Michaelaz *Myfavwizzy * Medalert * Mikeaz * Kernall * Myfavsoul * MyOrc * Myfav * Myfavsorc *
Yep, way too early for this.
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
Bit expensive for what you get.
Voted Dislike because if the intent was to reduce lag, they have achieved the exact opposite.
Logged in with my Ranger to see how the bow changes work - took a run in Gianthold - lag is so bad I can hardly walk forward, mobs appear in front of me having walked up unseen etc.
Can't really assess the changes because I can hardly use them.