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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artos_Fabril View Post
    Because it's a free action. If this was intended behavior, it should have a "cast bar" like armor swaps, and be interuptable if you can't afford to have a 2 second pause in combat.
    There you go making sense again. I get a kick out of people defending blatant bugs with SSG's failed coding by suggesting that should be the way the game works anyway.

  2. #42
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoobTheProud View Post
    Free actions in D&D, which is a round by round, turn by turn affair, really shouldn't be free actions in DDO which is a second to second FPS-type game. At least not if you want to retain any suspension of disbelief about this being D&D as opposed to whatever it actually is.

    I don't know any DM's out there who let players freely swap between multiple two-handed swords in combat, as an example. It's not a free action when you have two or three bugbears breathing heavily on you.
    Listen, this isn't PnP. If you want that experience, try Pathfinder:Kingmaker in turn-based mode. I've been enjoying when I want that PnP flavor.

    In this game, our inventory is expanded by de-collapsing a portable hole, but items placed in it still count against your carry weight. Then inside that space, you can hold 20 bags containing anything from devil debris to traveling companions to horses (and other horselike creatures). Inventory is hammerspace, you reach in for what you want, and pull out what you were seeking. The reason it takes time to don armor is that you have to put it on after you retrieve it from inventory (and it only takes a fraction of a second to pull on a t-shirt or bathrobe)

    Now all of that aside If this were intended behavior, it should show a timer ("cast bar") and be cancelable.

  3. #43
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    For me, weapon swaps are mainly used at endgame to debuff bosses. Not only did SSG change the whole mechanics of how many hit actions take place by rolling them up into 1 action X2 on each doublestrike which halved procs, but they re-introduced this weapon swap lag, which has been confirmed and is being fixed in a patch (hopefully next week).

    This delay was fixed in 2018 to give melee a chance to swap items with a 0.5 second delay. This delay was doubled to 1.0 seconds during U49. I have tested this, and this is exactly what happens: You are hitting away, and then you swap weapons. Your action stops immediately (instead of finishing), and you literally sit there for 1 second, and by the time you actually hit again, 1.5-2 seconds has gone by. This can be devastating if you are right next to a raid boss and are basically helpless. Much different than sitting from afar and shooting away or chucking spells.

    I wear cloth armor, and yes, I most certainly need to be able to swap weapons faster during raids without sitting helpless for 1.5-2 seconds.

  4. #44
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjangoKeys View Post
    But you went live anyway, knowing that it’s there. I won’t be playing until you fix that absolute garbage.
    OR how about we take 20% off there bud and maybe it was unavoidable and they are fixing it in the next patch.

    Happens all the time in IT you fix A,B and C and it turns out that C changed how D worked slightly and D changing borks L hard. so you find out why D changed and make a tweak and fix it.

    for the love of Vol Microsoft, Google, Amazon, you name it they have rolled out a patched and missed something. SSG hardly has their resources. It's not the end of the world and it will get fixed next patch. Everyone needs to turn down the heat around here a little. You can voice your concern, even displeasure without being aggressive and insulting.
    Last edited by SiliconScout; 04-24-2021 at 12:44 PM.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    OR how about we take 20% off there bud and maybe it was unavoidable and they are fixing it in the next patch.

    Happens all the time in IT you fix A,B and C and it turns out that C changed how D worked slightly and D changing borks L hard. so you find out why D changed and make a tweak and fix it.

    for the love of Vol Microsoft, Google, Amazon, you name it they have rolled out a patched and missed something. SSG hardly has their resources. It's not the end of the world and it will get fixed next patch. Everyone needs to turn down the heat around here a little. You can voice your concern, even displeasure without being aggressive and insulting.
    OR how bout you at least try to comprehend that this garbage - and yes, it’s 100% garbage, and not just the 80% you seem to think it is - was completely avoidable because they didn’t have to go live with something that was clearly broken AF. AGAIN, this ISN’T a case of them missing something that went live. They knew it was there, but - as usual for those “devs”- instead of taking the extra time to fix their utter garbage, they essentially said that we don’t matter, and went live with substandard junk masquerading as product.

    Like I said, I’m done paying into this game. The utter lack of anything akin to professionalism at SSG pervades every section of their business - ie development, marketing, QC, CS, communications, etc - and I’m no longer willing to support that hot, steaming mess.

  6. #46
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjangoKeys View Post
    OR how bout you at least try to comprehend that this garbage - and yes, it’s 100% garbage, and not just the 80% you seem to think it is - was completely avoidable because they didn’t have to go live with something that was clearly broken AF. AGAIN, this ISN’T a case of them missing something that went live. They knew it was there, but - as usual for those “devs”- instead of taking the extra time to fix their utter garbage, they essentially said that we don’t matter, and went live with substandard junk masquerading as product.

    Like I said, I’m done paying into this game. The utter lack of anything akin to professionalism at SSG pervades every section of their business - ie development, marketing, QC, CS, communications, etc - and I’m no longer willing to support that hot, steaming mess.
    Sorry it's got your goat bud but of all the things that have gone live from Lammania even though reported and that don't work as intended in this game it's the extra half second on a weapon swap that has you raging ... well I guess every camel has it's straw.

    Seems a little hyperbolic to me though. I don't know anyone who is overly negatively affected by this and I am guessing they know better than we do what the actual percentage is. I would guess at best it's 10% of the total population that would even notice this and the bow changes are helpful for far more than that so I can see why it's gets rolled out. If you expect, or even try, to have everything 100% working they way you want it then things never come out. Look at the Half-Life 3 saga (14 years and counting)

    Every release is going to be missing something they wish they had time to get in there. The good news for you here is that it's fixed in the next patch. There are issues others have been dealing with for years with no fix in sight so again, this seems a little hyperbolic to me.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

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