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  1. #1
    Community Member awar1234's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default Build request ... U49 Bow user with trapping skills

    Hello and ty! just going 1-30 playing R1 then TRing. want to use long/short BOW and be able to get all traps.... 11 ranger seems good place to start FREE rapid shot, precise shot, IPS, and evasion

    so should it be DEX build ...
    Your character's Dexterity bonus is now applied to damage by default when wielding a shortbow or longbow.
    Point Blank Shot now also adds "When using a Longbow or Shortbow, you gain +1 Critical Threat Range."
    Combat Archery now also grants +1 Critical Multiplier with Longbows and Shortbows.
    Combat Archery's Dexterity requirement is now 17, down from 21.

    or WISDOM with enchantment for PARALYZER???

    or go all INT and use HARPER tree???

    from what i see i will need the following feats at MINIMUM...

    Point Blank shot
    Rapid shot (free)
    Improved Crit: ranged
    wepon focus: ranged
    combat Archery
    Overwhemling Crit
    Precise shot (free)
    IPS (Free)

    Dodge , mobility , Shot on the run line is 3 feats??? do we need this??

    also should take Rogue at level one for skills and trapping??

    thanks for your input

  2. #2
    Community Member awar1234's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    bump, need advice so i can proceed with HC bow trapper

  3. #3
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by awar1234 View Post
    or go all INT and use HARPER tree???
    In general, I'd want INT as main stat as a trapper on HC. Being able to search to find and disable without blowing a trap is a big deal. My static group setup is me running a bard to buff our trapper (and do other bard type things). Even with that, as we approached 20, his spot began to not pick up stuff so trapping/search was being done entirely off having memorized locations for possible traps (and lots of us talking in teamspeak in case any one didn't remember trap locations). Thankfully, search/disable are high enough that every trap we've run across has been dealt with without issue. HC trappers tend to be trappers > anything else they can do and a good party appreciates the heck out of them doing so.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Considerations for picking your primary stat.

    • Default to-hit stat and all short- and longbows now get DEX to damage inherently. So no AP requirements or mandatory splashes. Which is good if you want to stick with the classic 41 AA / 39 DWS AP split.
    • Higher AC and Reflex saves; boosts DEX skills like Open Lock and stealth.

    • No Battle Trance based on DEX (or other physical stat) means you either invest in a secondary mental stat OR skip Trances entirely and rely on Insightful Damage gear

    • More skill points and higher INT skills (Search, Disable Device, Spellcraft)
    • INT becomes your to-hit, damage, trapper, and Reflex stat

    • Costs 12 APs in the Harper tree for INT to damage and one feat (Insightful Reflexes) to get INT to Reflex saves
    • Can't dump DEX because still need DEX 17 for Combat Archery (which is a lot better than the previous DEX 21 pre-req) and DEX 19 for Improved Precise Shot (or ranger 11 to get IPS free)

    • Higher DCs for AA imbues (Paralyzing, Terror)
    • WIS is also your Will save and Spot stat

    • Costs 12 APs in the Falconry tree for WIS to damage OR you need to run majority-Favored Soul with Knowledge of Battle + Silver Flame deity
    • Falconry's Deadly Instinct is tier-4 making it the most AP-expensive Battle Trance OR you splash FvS for War Soul's Divine Will
    • Can't dump DEX because still need DEX 17 for Combat Archery and DEX 19 for Improved Precise Shot (or ranger 11 to get IPS free)

    So it depends on what you want your build to focus on. With the monkcher nerf, for DPS DEX-based pure ranger seems like the best (or at least safest) option; see Strimtom's original and Carpone's thread. For an archer / trapper on Hardcore, rapidfox makes a good case for INT-based rogue-splashed ranger because not blowing trapboxes is more important than a bit more DPS. Whereas if you want to go all-in on a Paralyzing archer, go WIS-based, especially since the change to Doubleshot has nerfed multi-proc-on-hit effects, IIUC, so you want to get as close to no-fail DCs as possible.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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