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  1. #21
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    Default Look for a trap box

    Quote Originally Posted by anastasius View Post
    Thanks for the lack of courtesy in not telling someone joining your group you left a trap box up. Especially when you have a freaking arti/thief in the group who would generally take care of traps.

    There is no shame in bypassing traps as long as you freaking let the late joiners know. I appreciated the lack of heads up and a quick trip to the land of the dead.

    You were a special group of players, bless your hearts.

    If you are not sure about the traps being down in a quest maybe try to keep your eyes on the walls looking for completed boxes. But, I guess I am assuming you know where the traps would be... which, in turn, would mean you would rarely die in one, so I guess, I am only responding to this forum because I like the emotion in the title, and, because, the game is being updated and, I, am, bored.

  2. #22
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HedgeHogShadow View Post
    You are correct. But, spot doesn't see traps past level 6 or so elite (i think the cutoff is DC 20) unless you have a rogue or arty level.
    Wow thank you. I stand corrected. My bad. I am running my first character on live in a long time without a rogue level and I didn't even notice I was no longer spotting traps at level 13. And I am allocating skill points and boosted my Int just for the purpose of Spot.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post
    Wow thank you. I stand corrected.
    I applaud your ability to change your view when presented with new information. It seems to be such a rare trait these days. +1

  4. #24
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    As a general rule the Traps on Heroic Level 5 Elite, tend to have a Spot/Search DC of 20, which doesn't require:, etc. Spot is Wisdom based whereas Search is Intelligence based.

  5. #25
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    I've been in two groups so far that lost members to that poison trap that can't be disarmed. The first death, two folks ddoor'd from the locking room, impatiently not waiting for the gate to open. They ran down the hall and forgot about the trap. One was a barbarian who would have died if not for Die Harder and Blood Tribute. The other party member didn't make it. The second, I put "Trap" in chat and stepped into the trap well ahead of the group to activate it and show them where it was. One member ran right on through and miraculously made it. Then ran into the cold trap and survived that. He jumped back, and I typed "Stop" in chat. But he ran right back through the poison trap and didn't get lucky a third time.

    I've seen recklessness that endangers party members. I was standing on the trapped bridge in Proof in the Poison after clearing the enemies. Someone had gone below and pulled the lever. Fortunately, I was about one meter away from being burned (probably would have survived, but that's not the point here). I scolded the party member and, as the leader, told everyone not to pull levers or pick up keys since they would trigger traps that could kill party members. Well in advance as we approached the first key, I typed in chat "Do not pick up the key." Guess what? The first guy got to the end and picked up the key without batting an eye. I told them I was out and recalled. Nothing in that quest would have killed my toon (barring extreme lag or the like), but the other party members didn't need to be put at risk. Four of the six party members left and we started over. Fortunately, no one lost a toon, but it may have happened if we continued on.

    Overall, the only person you can ultimately trust is yourself, which means you're always accountable even if someone else is responsible. That is, they don't have to re-level your dead toon, you do. It really helps to know the quests. Another good idea is to group with folks you know - avoid pugs when possible. Otherwise, read the group. A reckless group, or members, will show some signs early on: Leaving mobs behind for others to clean up, don't follow directions, or don't pay attention to voice or chat. Rushing into dangerous rooms or combats without communication or a plan is a sign for higher-level dungeons (~level 10+). If you see signs of a reckless group, seriously consider leaving the group and waiting for a better group. After about level 5, any lost time is probably much longer to re-level a toon than to wait for a better group to come along.
    Last edited by Careall; 04-22-2021 at 09:14 AM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by anastasius View Post
    Thanks for the lack of courtesy in not telling someone joining your group you left a trap box up. Especially when you have a freaking arti/thief in the group who would generally take care of traps.

    There is no shame in bypassing traps as long as you freaking let the late joiners know. I appreciated the lack of heads up and a quick trip to the land of the dead.

    You were a special group of players, bless your hearts.
    Oh noes! Did you die?

    -Ozmar the Concerned
    I can has no signature. Alas!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post
    Wow thank you. I stand corrected. My bad. I am running my first character on live in a long time without a rogue level and I didn't even notice I was no longer spotting traps at level 13. And I am allocating skill points and boosted my Int just for the purpose of Spot.
    I assume you boosted Int for the extra skill points?

    Spot is based on Wis.

    -Ozmar the Technical
    I can has no signature. Alas!

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by OzmarDDO View Post
    Oh noes! Did you die?

    -Ozmar the Concerned
    I think that's what this means: "...and a quick trip to the land of the dead."

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Careall View Post
    I've seen recklessness that endangers party members. I was standing on the trapped bridge in Proof in the Poison after clearing the enemies. Someone had gone below and pulled the lever. Fortunately, I was about one meter away from being burned (probably would have survived, but that's not the point here). I scolded the party member and, as the leader, told everyone not to pull levers or pick up keys since they would trigger traps that could kill party members. Well in advance as we approached the first key, I typed in chat "Do not pick up the key." Guess what? The first guy got to the end and picked up the key without batting an eye. .
    What key triggers a trap in that quest?

  10. #30
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    When you pick up the 'Green' and 'Gold Keys' at the ends of the corridors within 'Proof is in the Poison' it triggers (Poison) spray traps within the corridors that you've just travelled down. It's been a while since I've played it; so my memory might be faded on the exact traps for taking the specific Keys. They aren't hard to dodge, but if you were in an "uncommunicative" or disorganised group, the traps could hit any unaware people following behind when the Key is retrieved.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 04-22-2021 at 02:39 PM. Reason: Grammar.

  11. #31


    I think on HC there is an etiquette here, to say the least, to let folks know about unarmed traps when you have a trapper.

    Sometimes trappers lack the ability to hit the DCs on HC especially due to lack of gear etc which is much rarer on live servers. So it is possible they just couldn't find it. Less likely on INT builds but hey, could happen; more likely on Dex builds.

    On live, part of being a ROGUE is leaving traps and letting others deal with them. It is their fault they lack evasion; you are there for loot.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  12. #32
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Saekee, is correct; about part of being a Roguish LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    On live, part of being a ROGUE is leaving traps and letting others deal with them. It is their fault they lack evasion; you are there for loot.
    Away, you mouldy rogue, away! ;-)

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