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  1. #1
    Buddha of the Future
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Flaming Wall DOT glitch

    Ok .. Hardcore and expect that deaths can occur ... but ... geez, killed by a flaming wall glitch? Taking damage and finished fight, recalled from Sands wilderness, went to tavern, and still taking damage from Flaming Wall. Died in tavern while trying to drink a potion? Went to -5 .. stabilized with, back to 20 with diehard .. died again and ticked to -15 for death.

    Just wow ... Lag is one thing, but a game glitch where a DOT sticks permanently? That's a whole 'nother level of nonsense. Took a screenshot which shows the DOT is still active even in the Land of the Lost and still dying in the Land of the Lost from the DOT.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Occasional stuck dots have been an issue on live for as long as I can remember; but yeah, that's brutal when it happens on HC. It would be nice if for HC:5 if they could make the mechanic that if you die in an instance than you're perma-dead and if you die outside an instance you pop at a save point; but I'm sure some would love that suggestion while others would hate it (and depending on my mood for self-pain and challenge my view could swing either way on any given day).
    Last edited by rabidfox; 04-19-2021 at 01:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Relogging gets rid of it. This doesn't fix your death or make the bug no big deal, but next time you find yourself in this scenario just hit the quit button (if it's ticking dmg you may not be able to just hit relog, also not entirely sure just hitting relog does fix it).

  4. #4
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tsutti View Post
    Relogging gets rid of it. This doesn't fix your death or make the bug no big deal, but next time you find yourself in this scenario just hit the quit button (if it's ticking dmg you may not be able to just hit relog, also not entirely sure just hitting relog does fix it).
    What if it takes 18 minutes for your toon to log out after you quit then alt-f4? The only thing that saved me from this same bug was a good friend healing me for over 20 minutes while the game was constipated.
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
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  5. #5
    Buddha of the Future
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Tsutti View Post
    Relogging gets rid of it. This doesn't fix your death or make the bug no big deal, but next time you find yourself in this scenario just hit the quit button (if it's ticking dmg you may not be able to just hit relog, also not entirely sure just hitting relog does fix it).
    I'm just a tad ticked at myself for not trying the quit option instead of hoping that just quitting the instance might also fix it. Oh well .. one of those things. And it is just a game. Yippee! Korthos again!

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Sep 2017


    Another um, fix? that won't always work, is finding another firewall / cloud / lava to jump into, and jump out again. Not saying it would've worked in this case but definitely something to keep in mind.

    Definitely frustrating way to die though, I won't even jump on my normal "you could've done X" bandwagon. As has been said, even a logout doesn't mean / guarantee anything with the logout times that are happening.

  7. #7
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Jan 2015


    they started the right way, finally after years, the lava dot became a timed dot. thus fixing the issue. but all the others...who knows. another thing started and unfinished. i still don't understand how even thinking about permadeath in a laggy and buggy game....oh well, stop, i'm stopping before even starting. this is about me. others are others. all kinds of fun are good. just pointing out yet again that old bugs should be fixed somehow, cause they are ravenue stream. yes, even death cause a stupid bugged dot is ravenue stream, players like me won't even consider joining an event, others may just ragequit and regret the money spent and joining never again.

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