Do air domain SLA DCs benefit from Evocation focus items/feats etc.? (Wording on Master of the the Domain of Air tooltip suggests they might not)
Do air domain SLA DCs benefit from Evocation focus items/feats etc.? (Wording on Master of the the Domain of Air tooltip suggests they might not)
~Sarlona~Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk
Confirmed, Electric/Sonic benefit from Evocation.
Haff fun stomin da cassul!
I've seen great mileage from Maximized + Empowered Air Savant alone. Between Electric Loop SLA + Spell and same w/ Lightning Bolt, it gets the job done on mobs without problems, and (at lower levels) on Bosses as well. Add an Enlarged Shocking Grasp to finish off stunned hangers-on, and you're set.
Air Domain is one of Clerics better domains for heroics, Chain Lightening one shots entire groups and can be used in conjection with other Cleric SLAs to plow through heroics. All the evo DC's make stuff like sound burst ridiculously powerful. The only issue is once you get into epics you run into a wall because fire does much better though not by much.