My first character died last week in a quest in the Fey. Entered a room with mobs and then could not move. It was between 1 and 2 minutes before I could move. I was periodically hitting my heals and LOH, even though I was not moving . I should have probably alt-F4’d the game, but I didn’t. When I could move there was a torrent of red numbers and I died. That was last week.

Supposedly some work was done to fix the HCL server. But this afternoon and into the evening, I could not log out of any character. This is not new, but it feels worse than ever. If I quit the game, using the menu. I got hung up “cleaning up old connection”. I have not seen this before, that I remember, after actually quitting the game, as opposed to alt-F4 or similar. I had to log in on my server, log in a character, the quit, the relaunch HCL...worked most of the time. I don’t think it should take 5-10 minutes to change characters.

I experienced lag moving spells, moving items, with the bank closing and reopening multiple times...performance seems as bad as it has been.

What is a pain when it happens on a regular server can be death on HCL. I love the tension that HCL brings, but now I am afraid to solo, not because of mobs or mimics, but because of lag. I worry about rubber banding into a trap, into lava or off of a height, and/or freezing by mobs again. That should, not in my opinion, be part of the gameplay, but it is.

I am not quitting, I have been playing since launch, but it sad and frustrating that what is a fun part of the DDO experience is significantly tarnished, IMO, form game performance.

Done safe and have fun