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  1. #1
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Thumbs down Warlock Eldritch Blast delay

    Is Warlock Eldritch Blast delay a bug? What's the reason behind it? It causes the animation frame rate to Skip similar to when you are being blown by Wind Pipes. There seems to be something wrong with the way the code is working with the animation. Is this a bug?

    Also, what is the reasoning behind why the 1st attack out of 3 really has a long animation? Is this how it also is in Pen & Paper?

    The gameplay experience would be nicer if it didn't have to have a delay, but even if it did have a delay, at least that it didn't cause the frame rate to skip every time.

    This also goes with SLAs.

    This is my 2nd time to play a warlock. The last time was about 2 years ago. Has anything changed since then?

    It is really annoying me now, but I don't know how I played through it before.

    Are there any plans to fix this?
    Last edited by darkniteyogi; 04-13-2021 at 08:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    It's been there since the beginning. The skip part of it is a bug, I think, but the rest of it is probably intended? Start your blasting with a jump and you'll skip the skip.

    I'm assuming it's because it as a level of decision making to stop blasting and cast other things if you're in the middle of the chain. If you cast after the third blast, it's a lot less impactful to your damage so it's a constant choice between finishing your third blast before casting or interrupting the combo.

    Not a lot has really changed and as far as I'm aware, the devs haven't talked about it. I've just gotten used to working around it at this point.
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  3. #3
    Community Member Amastris's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    Its actually not a bug. its a purposeful system design that was input a number of years back when they did the big warlock nerf because "warlocks are too powerful." the skip was not on Lam test server or live after it was first released. But because so many people complained about the blast rate and damage of warlocks the dev's decided to recode the attacks and animations to "slow" the first attack hence the "wind up" of EB. Having played 25 lives as a warlock i dont really pay it much mind any more but i can see how some players can find it annoying. Its really just as annoying as consume and stricken timers going off, seeing the animations and seeing it hit the mobs but the mobs take no damage. Consume is a no save no spell resistance attack and some mobs just ignore the damage. Stricken is a no save no spell resistance on the damage aspect of it but the reduction to the heal amp can be negated by a fort save but sometimes it seems that the damage is negated when it shouldn't be. it's stupid. its doubtful that the nerf will ever be undone.
    G'land Characters | Amastris of Thay - Leader of Crimson Lotus | Grevok The Maniacal - DC Caster Reaper/Raider
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  4. #4
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    After playing warlock for so long I've settled into a 15 and 30 second rotation at end game. There are alot of things that are worth interrupting your eld blast for so I tend to use the following rotation once my initial arcane pulse stacks are already applied:

    - Greater Creeping Cold
    - Arcane Pulse
    - Greater Ruin (not as useful in groups with heavy debuffing since it's not impacted by debuffing)
    - Stricken
    - Consume
    - Eld Wave
    - Eld Blast until next 15 second rotation

    Every 30 seconds I add in
    - Arcane Tempest
    - Devour the Soul (for the debuff)
    - Energy Burst (situational)

    I find all these things increase my overall dps but if I ever get down to 1000 spell points I stop casting greater ruin. Happy to show you the math on these if you would like.

    The full line of buffs to stricken and consume are worthwhile - esp the debuffing and vulnerability. It's definitely not optimal to keep switching from eld blast to spell/sla but as long as they are all done in a block every 15 seconds I find it to be a net gain in dps.
    Last edited by slarden; 04-15-2021 at 02:35 PM.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    May 2016


    It is really annoying to be sure. Sometimes the room of mobs is dead before my first Eldritch Blast hits. Would like to see this resolved. Would also like to see an increase in the rate of fire, I'd spend AP or farm an item for that.

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