What I always see in discussions are remarks and tests about end game content.
Nerfs and bufs and everything else - are NEVER tested by players against low level content - and "low level" is in my definition everything below level 10 !
(Proof : When I was writing that the Alchemist was NOT AT ALL overpowered at start game on Lamannia, then everyone ignored me.)
This leads me to only one assumption That low level is balanced against end game.
Which explains why low level has become so much ridiculously easy for first-lifers that it actually and sadly is no challenge anymore.
People will now accuse me of hypocrisy, because I several times wrote that I'm playing only for story. But that doesn't mean that I don't want a challence which makes me believe that I'm playing within a living world. Immersion can also be done by making people believe that they are up against dangerous enemies & dangerous environment.
Right now I have assembled so many items from low level uests that I can almost sweep through everything - apart from traps. Quests rather feel like doing a speedrun these days for me, instead of having to cautiously stop and plan ahead ... Which is an experience only the HCL folks now receive. Not low level first-lifers.
The "power creep" has made random low level content items so powerful now, because they are balanced against end game, I fear, that I just cannot find any items anymore to gimp my characters !
To gimp my characters, to get a real challence, I must dig deeply into the character banks of characters I had played 1013 or so the last time.
(The other method would be, of course, to do "Into The Mists" with Korthos gear. I think I should actually try this out.)
Balancing against end game means that abilities are reworked so that they do more damage in end game. Players want it so.
But this means at the other end of the scale that the same aboilities buffed for end game are now vastly overpowered for start game or low level content in general.
Plus, these abilities appear through the loot lists on ALL items ! At least in one form or another.
Let's take Vorpal as an example.
Once, many yrears ago, Vorpal was so much rare that I STILL have a vorpal kama which i will NEVER use ( I think ) in one of my character's bank, simply just because it was so rare ! No other reason !
Now, Vorpal appears so often in lowest level content as random loot, even. It almost drops like candy, so to say, compared how much rare it was so many years ago !
This is an example of "the power creep" demanded by the end game crows via "we want this buffed !" getting through general, global loot tables into EVERY part of the game !
Which means nothing else than : Via their demands, the end game crowd destroys low level content - by making it too easy.
But perhaps they want it so.
Because they perhaps want to sweep through low level Reaper content
and do not want to have to do non-speedrun questing. Not wanting to have to stop and plan ahead.
Perhaps they believe that multilifers should be able to do reaper speedruns, rather than having to stop, think, and plan ahead.
My suspicion so is : Through buffing end game, start game and low level content gets heavily dumbed down.
And I believe that this is not directly visible - the lack of testing of low level content through players clearly shows me that no-one cares for looking at that anyway - but indirectly through "buffed after demand" of abilities and through global loot tables.
And I'm sure that no player cares about my posting here anyway. Everyone here has a tunnel vision towards end game. In one of two threads of my own I even got suggestions for items which are available only at mid to end game, even although in my own thread I had stated about "low level".