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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default Unintended multiple hits of crushing despair

    Hello, just was killed with a SINGLE crushing despair spell, cast by wight in tomb of tormented. It had extra damage as evil. So, guess, how does despair works?
    YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

    It hits multiple times.

    2 party members with 500 hp died of 1 spell. Paladin with 100 MRR got down from 700 to 200. Same with bearbarians.


    I first saw that with web, that could damage you, when you go through it. And now this, even WORSE!!!

    It must be fixed for sure.
    Extra damage from non-damaging spells should never be applied. Also, there are other spells with multiple hit/portions.

    For sure, applying damage to non-damaging spells is totally nonsense!!!

    PS A little addition. I got hit by 5, so sum is 500. Pal, i think, got hit by more, 6 or 7 times.
    Also, to clarify: it was elite run, not reaper.
    Last edited by AirbornedChild; 04-10-2021 at 12:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2020


    Yup there is no point in playing until this is fixed. A spell from these damage proc champs could be a one-shot at any time, no save, no possible defense whatsoever except absurd hp stacking. That's not a challenge, that is ********. Whether it's a non-damaging spell or not, a multi hit spell should only get the bonus damage once.
    Last edited by Mentalist001; 04-10-2021 at 01:10 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Amorais's Avatar
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    Jun 2015


    Seems off that non-damaging spells are damaging you. Especially for absurd damage.

    But it does fit with the theme of this HCL of chaos and madness.

    I've not met a champ yet but I have no doubt they are lethal in this season. I have seen far far fewer players with end rewards this time round.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorais View Post
    Seems off that non-damaging spells are damaging you. Especially for absurd damage.

    But it does fit with the theme of this HCL of chaos and madness.

    I've not met a champ yet but I have no doubt they are lethal in this season. I have seen far far fewer players with end rewards this time round.
    This was added some updates before. I don't know why, but crushing despair counts as hit for each attempt to debuff(reduce mod). So no matter save or not - you're still damaged.

    As I said in 1st message, total damage was much more than 500. And no way to reduce it(except being tank). Spell "crushing despair" is broken. It applies too many effects at once. And each effect procs damage. IDK, 7 or 8 effects there.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorais View Post
    Seems off that non-damaging spells are damaging you. Especially for absurd damage.

    But it does fit with the theme of this HCL of chaos and madness.

    I've not met a champ yet but I have no doubt they are lethal in this season. I have seen far far fewer players with end rewards this time round.
    Why belittle our experience with this broken mechanic when you don’t even begin to understand it? This interaction is far and above any other danger in the game. It does more damage than the fear champ but with no counter play.

  6. #6
    Community Member Amorais's Avatar
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    I was being serious, the theme *is* Xoriat?

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