Hello all.
Currently rewards earned from previous hardcore seasons cannot be claimed on HC. I am not talking about unlocking the rewards, that's a different discussion, I am talking about claiming what has already been unlocked on an account.

They were claimable at the start of season 2 and 3 (vendors in grotto, and either hall of heros), but later removed. (or maybe the timeline was different, I can't recall exactly)

As someone who almost solely plays on hardcore I really want my earned cosmetics to be claimable/useable for the hundreds of hours I spend on hardcore.
It feels really absurd to me that I even have to complain about this.

I can only theorize why they aren't claimable and this is only speculation, it likely was an issue with earnability (the dialogue options likely made it so you could unlock previous season rewards?). However, afaik they fixed that because they did bring the vendor rewards claim options back at some point after the initial removal.

Currently, the rewards can be claimed on live but the dialogue options were buggy on day 1. Clicking through some seasons claim resets the dialogue options and removed season 4 from the listed options, this has since been patched.
Season 1 still has a different dialogue for claiming rewards.

They change the vendors, which is fine, but I don't know why the dialogue and claiming process isn't uniform. But also the rewards aren't uniform as in how they are granted or claimable.

Some rewards are granted upon character creation. This includes SOME cloaks and pets. This doesn't include cosmetic feats like "Death Watches You", or "Death Follows You" or cosmetic headgear like the season 3 helmet. Horses are not claimable either (some people theorize it's because $ but I won't get into that).
I understand new character creation shouldn't get a cluttered inventory, which is good, but the rewards should be moved into auto granted feats or claimable via vendor.

Why do any characters on my account have to claim cosmetic feats? Why can't I claim them on hardcore now when we've done so in the past?

I've rambled for a while now. This is a situation that bothers me. Reaching these reward milestones and not being able to have my earned cosmetics feels bad.
And there has been no official mention of ANY of this afaik. So I am poking around again.