A few ideas for new feats & some changes to existing ones, a couple of which i've posted before a while back.
Martial Mastery: martial sphere, 1 destiny capped. Character now has BAB equal to character level & +5 to melee & ranged power. At the moment there's not many ways to get BAB equal to character level & ironically theyre mostly for non martial classes. This would allow some nice boosts & add a bit of build flexibility.
Hellball: switch it to [d10+10] of each element, multiplied by the number of epic levels, so it'd be 10[d10+10] each of acid, electric, fire, and sonic damage at level 30, which should hopefully have a more noticeable impact without being too overpowered.
Nimble fingers: add an effect that also reduces time taken to disable traps or open locks by 25%
Stealthy: add an effect that also allows opening of doors & activation of levers & switches without leaving sneak mode, but it takes 3x longer to do so.
Racial Paragon: Legendary feat, adds +6 racial APs. Would allow for some interesting variety in potential builds in return for giving up one of those powerful scion feats.
Mass Frog: Since it's a primal spell, make it compatible with Beast Awakened from the Nature's Defender tree (which allows casting of druid spells while raged).
Improved Augment Summoning: Additional effect "You count as having 5 extra class levels (maximum 20 still applies) for the purposes of detemining the level of your iron defender, wolf or skeletal knight companion. Not sure if this would even be possible to code without a load of hassle, but would help to keep them a bit more relevant in epic level content for multiclassed characters.
Miner's Arsenal: You gain a +1 morale bonus to critical threat range with light hammers, warhammers, mauls, light picks & heavy picks. A thematic extension of Knight's Training & Swords to Plowshares. You cannot pick this feat if you have Knight's Training & vice versa.
Zen Archery: Add +2 passive Ki generation while wielding a longbow or shortbow. A boost to the monk archers out there, so they won't need to switch to melee as much to build up ki reserves.
Shuriken Expertise: Add +2 passive Ki generation while wielding a shuriken. Similar to above, a boost to the shuriken dedicated builds so they won't need to switch out to melee as much to build up ki reserves.