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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Braegan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default A New (False) Hope

    Hey Folks,

    As I'm getting back into things I'd like to start re-working my FvS and I guess a good as place to start as any would be Feats. The more I get into things, the more I may bring up for feedback but I'd like to get some insight on where I left off. Below is the current Feat set up I have. Any changes recommended or is this still a solid set up?

    1) Maximize
    1 h) SF: Evocation
    3) PL: Wiz
    6) Completionist
    9) Quicken
    12) Empower
    15) Heighten
    18) Spell Pen
    21) Wellspring of Power
    24) Master of Light
    27) Ruin
    30) Greater Ruin

    ED 26) Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
    ED 28) Hellball
    ED 29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Scion of Plane of Air
    Git off mah lawn!

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  2. #2
    Community Member tsteigner's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    Hey Folks,

    As I'm getting back into things I'd like to start re-working my FvS and I guess a good as place to start as any would be Feats. The more I get into things, the more I may bring up for feedback but I'd like to get some insight on where I left off. Below is the current Feat set up I have. Any changes recommended or is this still a solid set up?

    1) Maximize
    1 h) SF: Evocation
    3) PL: Wiz
    6) Completionist
    9) Quicken
    12) Empower
    15) Heighten
    18) Spell Pen
    21) Wellspring of Power
    24) Master of Light
    27) Ruin
    30) Greater Ruin

    ED 26) Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
    ED 28) Hellball
    ED 29) Arcane Pulse
    30) Scion of Plane of Air
    i would take Empower at 1st lvl and sf: evocation at 12th lvl, since the FvS AoV Enh. tree has two frontloaded good SLA's to stick max+emp too
    i also wouldn't go the Ruin->greater Ruin route, i tryed it once or twice but wasn't very fond of it, if you use emp, max on it they cost way too much mana.
    i would instead use Intersify but that is just my opionon others milage may vary

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    My favorite early feat order would be Maximize, Quicken, Empower, Completionist, the rest. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter much.

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