Hey Folks,
As I'm getting back into things I'd like to start re-working my FvS and I guess a good as place to start as any would be Feats. The more I get into things, the more I may bring up for feedback but I'd like to get some insight on where I left off. Below is the current Feat set up I have. Any changes recommended or is this still a solid set up?
1) Maximize
1 h) SF: Evocation
3) PL: Wiz
6) Completionist
9) Quicken
12) Empower
15) Heighten
18) Spell Pen
21) Wellspring of Power
24) Master of Light
27) Ruin
30) Greater Ruin
ED 26) Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
ED 28) Hellball
ED 29) Arcane Pulse
30) Scion of Plane of Air