I'm writing bows off.
I'm writing bows off.
Last edited by Tilomere; 07-20-2021 at 01:58 PM.
Mark of the Hunted gives -25% Fort
Against stupidity the very gods
Themselves contend in vain.
- Friedrich Schiller The Maid of Orleans
Community Member
Hey Tilo, I have two questions.
1. Where did you get the 260 fortification number?
2. Do you need exactly the amount of fort bypass as your target has fortification?
You can still crit with less bypass, the mobs will just block some of them. I haven't heard other good players ever talk about hitting a specific number of fort bypass so I'm curious as to where your information comes from.
Princze/Dazneus of Cannith
Community Member
Community Member
Ok, that makes a lot of sense. I haven't played a serious dps build in a really long time. I'm currently designing one. I appreciate you saving me some research steps xD. Your conclusion about bow builds seems legit then, though I'm still holding out hope that Horizon Walker will be the game changer in the equation.
Princze/Dazneus of Cannith
Ok so build to 180 or so
Since I’m doing hybrid,
And don’t care over r6
Looking to reroll my cleric to 15/5,
And go back to bow
You have a gear set?
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Community Member
This is for my new cleric 15/5
Generally easily farmable gear set
Fey and raid, because he’s a guild leader
Went heavy devotion cuz healz
30 gear
Spring or summer
7pc spring 3pc summer
Magmatic grasp gloves artifact spring summer
Speed30 ACC36 Deadly18 fire attunement
Blood of blossoms trinket spring
WIS21 IWIS10 shelter55 enhanced ki3
Lotus Mail lt armor spring
Fort214 healamp85 dodge21 reflex17
Vinelash bracers spring
Doubleshot13 ImpDEC QDEC4 Idodge10
Flower boots spring
Qdevotion53 healinglore31 eleresist45 nymphs healing
Black dragonscale belt spring
AP33 acidresist81 relentless fury black scale ferocity
Cloak of spring spring
DEX 21 IDEX10 parry10 electricabsorb50
Crown of fireflies summer
Devotion 214 heallore31 Iresist8 Imrr26
Amber pendat neck autumn
SF7 ISF4 Ishelter27
Ring1 of summer heat summer
Combustion214 radiance214 firelore31 radlore31
Prowess? Or spinnerette
Band of insightful commands black and blue
Profane2 IACC13 Qdeadly4 intim22 yellow
Collective sight con icon
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Community Member
pls explain nerf, as far as I can tell there is no nerf
Could also go pure ranger instead of 11/6/3 for dagger build. Less sneak attack damage, more passive ranged power, a lot more passive dmg vs favored enemies, more fort bypass when really needed with lvl 18 clicky. Also frees up action points a lot.
Community Member
Community Member
Imagine thinking you need to stack fort for reapers or Sharn mobs. This is with 110% fort bypass:
Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP
Yes, imagine 110% is good enough, because even if you actually look at your own combat log vs. reapers:
Or Sharn constructs and mobs:
all you can do is imagine, because you are failing to crit a large amount of the time to due not breaking fortification with 110% + up to 20% from Track in Shiradi (the proc rate of which also just went away this patch).
Thank you for the additional examples, but this is a reaper DPS build, and reaper dps builds don't flub two thirds of their crits. But you don't have to take my word for it or your own screen grabs above, take Cetus's:
I disagree with him on views on how the game should be balanced, but I'll be the first to admit the guy does know how to dps, and he doesn't stop at 110%, or even 200. He goes over 200.
Last edited by Tilomere; 04-22-2021 at 01:22 AM.
Very intesting read, Tilo... I tried to wear Lionhart ring and twist Grim Precision. + Tab said 134% fort bypass and I slotted deconstructor in my debuff bow and I have bird attacks.
(Combat): You roll to confirm a critical on Carnage Reaper. You roll a 19 (+230): Critical Hit! Ill try this setup more and see what else I can get, Im sure theyll resist crits on low rolls.
Illmer Silverhilt, 36pt (Half) Elf Rogue13/Fighter6/Monk1. The Kighter
Mesmerrita d'Jorasco, 36pt PDK Bard20. Racial Completionist
Subpar, Orien
(not currently) Livestreaming on Twitch.tv/mesmerita - My YouTube - My Spotify
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Community Member
Do spells have fort bypass?
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
As a PUG raid alt I don't need armor pen shots, since PUG raids are low difficulty and mobs have lower fortification. That eliminated falconry active buttons. Then because artifact is insightful accuracy/damage dumped trance which was more damage, but not enough to warrant a button on a low difficulty raid. Then because raids have only a few trash mobs at a time dropped Shiradi for FoTW since DWS has enough CC shots for a few mobs at a time, and since we don't need Shiradi armor pen since we aren't doing high reaper. This gets rid of pin/whistler buttons. Then dropped all boosts because we don't need the damage for difficulties we do. Now we have a really lean PUG raid alt:
When waves of trash spawn every 6 seconds like devils or fire beetles, we can unload an adrenaline sniper shot every 6 seconds and hit unbridled fury. Swapped my bow real dps build to a simple gameplay shiradi missile spammer.
Last edited by Tilomere; 06-20-2021 at 09:48 PM.