Granted, the thread title is a bit of cheesy clickbait, but you can still have some roleplaying fun with this one.
If a party member dies, there are few things more humiliating than being carried around in someone's backpack until you get to a shrine.
Party Member: Never fear, a Pale Master can pop your soul right into a skeletal corpse and let you walk around on your own.
Pale Masters: If you enjoy turning dead party members into zombies at higher levels, you'll love turning them into skeletons at low levels. Have your skeleton pet pick up the player's soul stone, then set your pet to guard that player. The player can now walk around most places on their own, or even make a run back to a previous shrine.
Druids: You can reincarnate a fallen party member into a (pet) wolf the same way.
Artificers: With a few spare parts, your fallen party member can be made temporarily into an iron defender (pet).
Hireling Possession: You guessed it. Any class can help a fallen party member possess a hireling. Hirelings will do anything for a few platinum!
Note: Mostly dead characters can't open doors or may have trouble crossing difficult terrain, usually involving jumping, using any of these methods.