Last edited by Oxarhamar; 04-02-2021 at 10:27 AM.
Not going to happen pal. I've spent the last 2 years playing Mr. Nice Guy here. Supporting every change made.
I've had enough. The gloves came off, and I could care less about the collateral damage.
This thread isn't about just me. There are 11 others in my group. Every week we spend at least 1 hour (with as many members as possible) on our Tues or Thurs night groups, to discuss DDO. This is the 1st and last time I write a thread that represents the feeling of the group.
All nit-pickin' aside Oxar, "my people" want this game to rise above the lava filled Cogs and evolve with diversity. But we're not seeing that in the last couple of years. It's been hit or miss with every update. And as prices increase (happens everywhere) and the value of monies spent is less and less, we as a group are at the crossroads with DDO.
Had the "Bow Combat Pass" and HCL 4 not happened right now, all of us would be gone already. we're holding out hope for this game. UNTIL I personally see more transparency from SSG, I won't "wait another year" for improvements.
Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.
I know that some people on here think about that time back in 1957 when they bought a second hand Plymouth Belvedere for $140, and think that today it is a lot of money. But really, you can spend that much on dinner and a movie, and that's assuming you pirate the movie.
Retired old people threatening to quit playing for-profit decade old video games.
If there was a category for the least worthwhile thing to care about this may be it.
If we do not get a BMI feature in the game... yes, I want a tubby little halfling that sweats profusely, pants audibly while running and collapses halfway up that monstrous staircase in Ravenloft and just "needs a minute" to make it to the top, me and my 47 other f2p buddies are rage quitting.
Now, I have done the math; can you really afford to lose 47 people that pay you absolutely nothing to play this game? 47x $0= sumthin... not sure wot, math was never my strong suit... but I am sure it is something cuz there is a 47 in the equation.
WE DEMAND A BMI FEATURE!!! Fat halflings, skinny dwarves, short, tall and bow legged women!!!
We have spoken, hear and obey us!
The dex to damage on bows for free is kinda weird, ok. Just about every other stat to damage either has to do it by a feat or by spending action points.
The thing is, now we have str... what use it still?
We do remember str, right?
And for that pnp group... go with the flow and raise your prices.
Definition of dexterity
1: readiness and grace in physical activity
especially : skill and ease in using the hands
Archery IS a dexterity based discipline, even in the real world. The ability to draw the bow requires some strength, but it is dexterity, the hand eye coordination that makes an archer deadly.
My niece began archery when she was very little, her father is an avid hunter, and her success had very little to do with the strength to draw the bow, it was all about the hand eye coordination. Now, she is all growed up, and can drop a buck on the fly, not because she is "strong" enough to draw the bow, but because her dexterity is so keen she can quickly draw, sight and deliver a heart shot the moment she hears the deer.
The bow is delivering the wallop of strength. As she got bigger her draw weight got heavier, but her strength only effected the draw weight of the bow, not her ability to fire a deadly shot successfully.
A modicum of reality injected into fantasy allows us to relate and participate in the "fantasy" we are entertaining. Bow strength always baffled me because I have always been a shade tree archer for fun, but have many friends and family members that use archery to stock their freezers and their success was never based on strength, it was always hand eye coordination and their dexterity scoring the kill shot.
Bow strength in D&D was a miraculous ability to help balance a system that was fairly simple in the beginning, and the beginning was a very very long time ago (RIP Gary Gygax). However, the game has evolved and DDO is attempting to evolve with it. Injecting some reality into the bow is a good move, again, strength allows you to overcome the draw weight of the bow, but has zip to do with your accuracy or the ability to land that death shot. Your strength will steady your aim, which I doubt they will add such a mechanic to the game because the coding would be ridiculous, but moving bows, not xbows, to dexterity to hit and damage is a good move and more realistic approach to archery.
The reality of this is the new owners of DDO need to eliminate the expensive no value add Boston office and replace with DND enthusiasts anywhere in the world and DDO players will be overjoyed and open their huge wallets to them. I might fly to headquarters and convince them this is the best path forward to the game.
Last edited by Jaxtan; 04-02-2021 at 01:36 PM.
Return to sender... (mic drop)
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
Get off my lawn!
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
I don't get the freak out on DEX to damage myself.
Right now it's a dump stat and you go hard INT. DEX to damage is just going to mean rogues have to actually do more than dip into a stat and balance them.
I suppose it might matter for rangers but again it's trivial to get another stat to damage, with the exception I guess of STR. So maybe that's the trick you can just go STR and CON and max out Bow and Melee???
Not a bad thing IMHO considering how many free feats the Rangers get. I guess it also stops the Bowbarian from making a huge comeback, again not a bad thing.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
You may want to check your history here I'm afraid. During medieval times (which is when this game is sort of set) professional bowmen more often than not suffered with curvature of the spine due to drawing the bows of time. If you get the chance go and visit the Mary Rose in Portsmouth (UK) and the nice gentle-person guiding the tour will give you a full explanation and show you the remains of the archers that were aboard when the ship sank. Almost to a man those archers had curved spines so would have looked very much like the hunch-back of notre dame in life.
Modern bows have come a long way since then and I doubt if even the most avid bowperson today spends a fraction of the time repeatedly drawing their bow that a professional bowman from the 1500's or before would have. Make a primitive bow and try drawing and releasing that for just a few hours though and you may feel a little differently about it. Then imagine doing that exact same thing for years, every day, all day.
As for Dex to damage I would say fair enough. It may not be accurate or make 100% logical sense but if you are going to assign a stat to damage which would you choose instead? In short in almost every rpg that assigns a stat to ranged damage it is always dex or some derivative of it. Remember this is a game not real life.