After discussing HC warlock builds and strategies earlier today with Saighneain of Thelanis (very nice guy from Norway and extremely helpful... thanks chef!) I decided to roll a 32 point WF warlock and test it a little before Wednesday...
to my surprise, none of my spells (including shield, web and expeditious retreat) display any ASF penalty... I was expecting to see a red text 5% ASF penalty for all spells with somatic requirements. I haven't noticed a spell failure yet either and I haven't spent any AP in the WF tree so far.
I have simple composite body (no mithral feat).
Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Does it affect only Celestial pact (i quickly rolled a WF wizard and the 5% ASF penalty was correctly displayed) or all Warlocks?
AND, do you know if I then chose to take Mithral Body / Adamanine Body and spent 3 AP in Inscribed Armor from the WF tree, giving -15% ASF penalty, would the resulting ASF penalty for Mithril Body / Adamantine Body be 0% / 15% or 5% / 20% ?