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  1. #1
    Uber Completionist Azriel_Angelus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Uber-Completionist Title?

    Not sure why I haven't posted this but I have gotten all the past lives done a while back on Azrielah, and honestly just want a new forum title instead of "community member".

    Not sure how to prove this in particular without a ton of screenshots, but hey I have a list of lives and the order I did them in even, because it got a bit too long to put in my bio. In my time I have played every class pure at least once, I have found I absolutely hate rage builds ironic that my first life was a barbarian, sorc is still king of leveling fast (hence the 20 lives of sorcs), Dwarves are still ugly af. I have a serious issue with writing extremely detailed lists and my google drive is chock full of ddo builds some of them are absolutely ancient.

    1. Half-Orc XX Barbarian: Frenzied Berserker
    2. Drow XX Sorcerer: Water Savant
    3. Human XX Favored Soul: Angel of Vengeance
    4. Half-Elf XX Monk: Shintao Monk
    5. Half-Elf XX Wizard: Pale Master
    6. Warforged XX Sorcerer: Earth Savant
    7. Human XX Paladin: Defender of Siberys
    8. Half-Elf XX Ranger: Arcane Archer
    9. Half-Elf XX Cleric: Radiant Servant
    10. Half-Elf XX Rogue: Assassin
    11. Half-Elf XX Bard: Spellsinger
    12. Half-Elf XX Druid: Season's Herald
    13. Half-Elf XX Monk: Shintao Monk
    14. Warforged XX Artificer: Battle Engineer
    15. Half-Elf XX Fighter: Kensai

    Completionist Obtained 8/24/2013

    16. Half-Elf XX Ranger: Arcane Archer
    17. Half-Elf XX Artificer: Arcanotechnician
    18. Half-Elf XX Wizard: Pale Master
    19. Half-Elf XX Barbarian: Ravager
    20. Half-Elf XX Barbarian: Occult Slayer
    21. Purple Dragon Knight XIV Paladin/ V Monk/ I Fighter: KotC/ Henshin Mystic/ Kensai
    22. Shadar-Kai X Rogue/ VI Monk/ IV Paladin: Thief Acrobat/ Ninja Spy/ KotC
    23. Human XX Bard: Spellsinger (20 LR from Favored Soul)
    24. Warforged XV Wizard/ III Favored Soul/ II Monk: Archmage/ AoV/ Ninja Spy (3x Colors of the Queen, 1x Enchant Weapon)
    25. Human XX Bard: Spellsinger
    26. Human XX Druid: Season's Herald
    27. Human XX Druid: Season's Herald
    28. Shadar-Kai X Rogue/ VI Monk/ IV Paladin: Thief Acrobat/ Ninja Spy/ KotC
    29. Bladeforged XII Monk/ VI Ranger/ II Paladin: Arcane Archer/ KotC/ DwS
    30. Bladeforged XVIII Sorcerer/ II Paladin: Air Savant/ Water Savant
    31. Human X Artificer/ VI Monk/ IV Paladin: Henshin Mystic/ Ninja Spy/ KotC
    32. Purple Dragon Knight VIII Paladin/ VI Monk/ VI Fighter: KotC/ Henshin Mystic/ Kensai
    33. Sun-Elf XVII Cleric/ II Monk/ I Wizard: Divine Disciple/ Radiant Servant/ Archmage
    34. Purple Dragon Knight XII Fighter/ VI Monk/ II Paladin: Kensai/ Ninja Spy/ KotC
    35. Human XVIII Favored Soul/ II Monk: AoV/ Warpriest (1x Enchant Weapon)
    36. Warforged XV Wizard/ III Favored Soul/ II Monk: Archmage/ AoV/ Ninja Spy (1x Brace, 1x Fast Healing, 1x Skill Mastery)
    37. Sun-Elf XI Cleric/ VI Monk/ III Paladin: Warpriest/ Henshin Mystic/ Ninja Spy
    38. Human XVIII Favored Soul/ II Paladin: AoV/ Warpriest (1x Brace)
    39. Bladeforged VIII Fighter/ VI Monk/ VI Paladin: Henshin Mystic/ Kensai/ KotC
    40. Sun-Elf XI Ranger/ VIII Paladin/ I Cleric: KotC/ Sacred Defender/ Tempest
    41. Bladeforged XV Paladin/ IV Ranger/ I Fighter: KotC/ Sacred Defender/ Tempest (1x Brace)
    42. Human XV Paladin/ IV Rogue/ I Wizard: KotC/ Sacred Defender/ Thief Acrobat (1x Fortification, 1x Enchant Weapon, 1x Skill Mastery)
    43. Sun-Elf XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (20 LR from Wizard)
    44. Human XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x Skill Mastery)
    45. Shadar-Kai XV Paladin/ IV Rogue/ I Wizard: KotC/ Sacred Defender/ Thief Acrobat
    46. Human XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x Doublestrike)
    47. Purple Dragon Knight XV Bard/ III Fighter/ II Rogue: Warchanter/ Swashbuckler/ Vanguard
    48. Deep Gnome XX Wizard Pale Master/ Archmage
    49. Deep Gnome XIX Warlock/ I Wizard: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend)
    50. Deep Gnome XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Wizard: Kensai/ Sacred Defender/ KotC

    Racial PL added

    51. Human XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (3x Energy Criticals, 2x Arcane Alacrity)
    52. Half-Elf XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Kensai/ Sacred Defender/ Thief Acrobat (1x Power Over Life and Death)
    53. Half-Elf XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x DoubleStrike)
    54. Half-Elf XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Kensai/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Power Over Life and Death)
    55. Drow XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x Doublestrike)
    56. Aasimar Scourge XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender
    57. Drow XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x Doubleshot)
    58. Aasimar XX Monk: Shintao/ Ninja Spy
    59. Drow XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend) (1x Doubleshot)
    60. Aasimar Scourge XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender
    61. Human XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    62. Human XX Cleric: Divine Disciple/ Radiant Servant (Sun Domain) (1x Arcane Alacrity)
    63. Warforged XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Kensai/ KotC/ Sacred Defender
    64. Dragonborn XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Kensai/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Fortification)
    65. Aasimar Scourge XII Fighter/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Kensai/ KotC/ Sacred Defender
    66. Aasimar XX Monk: Shintao/ Ninja Spy/ Falconer (1x Doubleshot)
    67. Aasimar XX Favored Soul: Angel of Vengeance/ Beacon of Hope (1x Fortifcation)
    68. Dragonborn XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Power Over Life and Death)
    69. Warforged XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    70. Warforged XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    71. Dragonborn XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    72. Dwarf XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    73. Dwarf XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    74. Dwarf XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    75. Wood Elf XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Block Energy)
    76. Tiefling Scoundrel X Bard/ VIII Fighter/ II Rogue: Kensai/ Swashbuckler/ Stalwart
    77. Wood Elf XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Block Energy)
    78. Elf XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    79. Tiefling Scoundrel XVIII Warlock/I Wizard/ I Bard: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend)
    80. Halfling XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Fast Healing)
    81. Tiefling Scoundrel XVIII Warlock/I Wizard/ I Bard: Enlightened Spirit/ Tainted Scholar (Fiend)
    82. Halfling XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    83. Halfling XII Ranger/ VI Paladin/ II Rogue: Tempest/ DwS/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Fast Healing)
    84. Half-Orc XX Sorcerer: Air Savant
    85. Half-Orc XVIII Druid/ I Barbarian/ I FvS: Nature's Protector/ Warrior/ Frenzied Berserker (1x Block Energy)
    86. Half-Orc XX Favored Soul: AoV/ Beacon of Hope (1x Ancient Power)
    87. Gnome XX Wizard: Pale Master/ Archmage/ Eldritch Knight (1x Ancient Knowledge 1x Ancient Power)
    88. Tiefling XX Sorcerer: Fire Savant/ Eldritch Knight (1x Ancient Blessings, 1x Ancient Power)
    89. Tiefling XX Warlock: Enlightened Spirit (1x Ancient Blessings, 1x Ancient Knowledge)
    90. Tiefling XX Sorcerer: Fire Savant/ Eldritch Knight (1x Ancient Tactics, 1x Ancient Power)
    91. Gnome XX Rogue: Assassin/ Vistani
    92. Gnome XX Sorcerer: Air Savant/ Eldritch Knight

    Racial Comp obtained, Alchemist added shortly after

    93. Gnome XX Alchemist: Bombardier/ Apothecary
    94. Aasimar IX Alchemist/ VIII Fighter/ III Cleric: Kensai/ Stalwart Defender/ Warpriest (1x Ancient Tactics)
    95. Aasimar VIII Alchemist/ VI Fighter/ VI Paladin: Kensai/ KotC/ Sacred Defender (1x Ancient Blessings)
    96. Aasimar XX Sorcerer: Water Savant/ Eldritch Knight (1x Ancient Tactics)

    All Past Lives Obtained 4/05/2020

    Feywild added:
    97. Shifter XX Paladin: KotC/ Falconry
    98. Razorclaw Shifter: XVIII Wizard/ I Barbarian/ I Cleric: Eldritch Knight/ Falconry/ Warpriest
    99. Shifter XX Sorcerer: Air Savant/ Eldritch Knight
    100. Shifter XX Sorcerer: Air Savant/ Eldritch Knight
    101. Razorclaw Shifter: XVIII Wizard/ I Barbarian/ I FvS: Eldritch Knight/ Falconry/ War Soul
    102. Razorclaw Shifter: XVIII Wizard/ I Barbarian/ I FvS: Eldritch Knight/ Falconry/ War Soul

    All Past Lives Obtained (again) 12/31/2020
    Ultimate Completionist
    "I Will Never be a Memory"

  2. #2
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    When i think of uber completionist i think of all past lives completed including epic and iconic. Maybe you have all those too and just didnt list em.
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Azriel_Angelus's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    When i think of uber completionist i think of all past lives completed including epic and iconic. Maybe you have all those too and just didnt list em.
    They are listed, some are Iconics and if epic past lives were done it is appended to the end in parenthesis, first example of each is life 21 and life 24 respectively, its color coded on my document, but I really didn't want to mess with html coding in all the colors at various points, it already took a lot of other editing to format it correctly from pasting from my document.
    "21. Purple Dragon Knight XIV Paladin/ V Monk/ I Fighter: KotC/ Henshin Mystic/ Kensai"
    "24. Warforged XV Wizard/ III Favored Soul/ II Monk: Archmage/ AoV/ Ninja Spy (3x Colors of the Queen, 1x Enchant Weapon)"
    Last edited by zachxr100; 03-27-2021 at 05:08 AM.
    Ultimate Completionist
    "I Will Never be a Memory"

  4. #4
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Forum titles are usually awarded from events and such by Cordovan if that is what you are hoping to get.

    Also, congratulations!

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    The whole uber completionist thing came from the forums for the forums, so its definition has shifted a bit over the years. I think initially it was three lives every class. As far as how it actually works, I tend to trust people when they ask for it, and so far everyone's done something similar to the OP to offer evidence of the work being done.

    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  6. #6
    Time Bandit
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    Natashaelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    When i think of uber completionist i think of all past lives completed including epic and iconic. Maybe you have all those too and just didnt list em.
    Yeah, and three times each.

    That's not me BTW, though I am closing in on basic Completionist on my Main.

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