Randomized traps:

Many times I have been thinking about why traps in ddo are preset and not randomized, they make spot and listen pointless to a degree, so here is the idea to make them matter a bit more:
Everytime a quest is started, random traps according to level are present on the map. These traps are all mines or tripwires that work similarly to mines. They can spawn anywhere on the map before the game starts except within/near eachother(minimal distance of close range casting) and in case they spawn outside of map, they try to spawn on the map 10 more times or be gone from the quest. The number of these extra traps are equal to the level of the quest + the amount of players present - 1. When spotted and searched, these traps can be unlike standard traps be destroyed, HOWEVER deactivating them with a rogue gives +2% exp for each deactivated trap. With high enough Listen skill, these traps will play a little recognizable "click" sound when approached. Thes traps have a quest level*2 +3d6 spot and quest level*2 + 1d20 listen check, however their search check is equal to the quest level x 1.5 . These traps do NOT emit any kind of damage. These traps have different effects that have a DC equal to the quest level+1d6, these effects include: poison, diseases, curses, blindness(permament until cured), petrified(1 minute), stunned(20 seconds), Sleep(4 minutes), Charmed(30 seconds, this stuns you and makes you hostile towards your teammates/they can kill you). These effects only trigger on the person activating the trap. These traps can be saved against with a fortitude save, upon save you will be shaken.

I think that the exp bonus would make players feel the upsides of this patch meanwhile adding some difficulty to the game and interest to building for search, spot and listen outside of being a rogue. Also due to having high chance of traps spawning in the corners, etc. sometimes quests would be unchanged, sometimes they would feel like they are filled with traps making it a more dungeons and dragons like experience, meanwhile giving rogues the chance to play their character searching for traps in the corner.

Skill addition

Many skills in the game currently are underused so here are some ideas that would make them more likely to be picked over meta skills:

Swim - Swim could possibly add that you cast spells on the surface of the water with spell failure equal to 100+base spell failure-swim skill and in case you have underwater breathing(only spell, so no undead, etc.) you can cast verbal spells underwater with the same chance. This would spice up swim for quests that have water in them.

Listen - Having the listen skill up allows you to see enemies location through walls with their blank outline on your hud and a point on the minimap if they are within very short/standard/double range if your listen skill is equal to/2x higher /3x higher their move silently skill and they are not sneaking. It also allows you to target those enemies through a wall to prepare for an ambush.(so in case an enemy is not seen but you hear them, you can cast a spell on them without them knowing if the spell/sla can be cast through walls you can cast it on them without ever making direct sight).

Repair - This skill is used very much by warforged, but i still see uses for it rarely, so the idea to make repair more used is that repair should allow disarmed traps, etc. to be rearmed for enemies only with their DC being equal to the repair skill and their damage is modified by your rust spellpower.

Mordekainsen's disjunction:

For every item deactivated on the person at examination the number for items deactivated is listed for the duration in examination. This would be quite useful, since we don't know if they even have magical weapons/armor or not at all. https://ddowiki.com/page/Invulnerability states that enemies start to have +1 enchantment bonus items after Cr12+ but i never found anything about the monsters and items when searched mordekainsen's disjunction.