4 of the Cavaliers and Roundheads Militia (PnP grp est 1978) have been toying with HW on Lamma-Land.
1st time 4 of the main members downloaded Lamma Client to test. this ranged pass is "The deal breaker" for us.
All of us were on AA's of some sort. 1st life builds, various equipment. Nothing uber I should say.
Ran lvl's 5-18, Leet. a few R1's.
We don't like the new many shot. Feels "cheesy"
Animations are SLOW. Combat sequences feel like they're in slo-mo.
IPS change will upset a few IMO, but it was needed, so we're ok w/ it.
What we found, might and hope should be a glitch. A DEX build vs a STR build w/ long bow is doing more dmge? Really?
Are we missing something? We know that Bow Strength still falls back on Dex for the to-hit modifier. IS there some change to this mechanic w/ dex & str we're missing?