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  1. #1
    Community Member Seydlitz's Avatar
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    Default Current Vanilla Barbarian build 4/2021

    Title says it all. I'm looking for a pure Barbarian build with current (U48) info and gear. Looking for Max DPS. The plan is to use this for appropriate racial TRs, starting with HOrc, then Dwarf, etc. Nothing fancy... will take him to 30 at least once before jumping on the TRain.

    Any help/direction MUCH appreciated - I haven't played a Barb in years so any (probably) common knowledge concepts such as "Fury Barb" are, for right now, lost on me.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
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    nvm too boring someone else can help you
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-30-2021 at 06:49 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    ...Did you miss "nothing fancy"? And good luck getting this to 30 without the leetest of leet gear

  4. #4
    Community Member PrinceOfAsphodel's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what Fury Barb means either. I know the Fury is meant to stand for the Destiny Fury of the Wild but it seems like there is more to the style than just a Barb in Fury. Anyway, I like going into Tier 5 Ravager. Some people swear by tier 5 Frenzied Berserker, and yeah it's more DPS and better in endgame for raids and high reaper but Ravager feels like smoother leveling to me. Either way, you start by leveling in Berserker first to get Blood Tribute. Ideally you want to time that ability before you start taking damage, not while you're taking it.

    For feats, I would take Two Handed Fighting, Power Attack, Improved Two Handed Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Greater Two Handed Fighting, and fill in the rest with Cleaves, Stunning Blow, Weapon Focus: Slashing, and/or Toughness.

    For gear, you always want to be in medium armor. I recommend a 7-piece Seasons set from Feywild at level 5, The Ravenloft Crypt Raider set at level 10, with a 5-piece Adherent of the Mists set around it. At level 15 you can swap to the Sharn part of the Family set with other level 15 Sharn pieces to compliment it. You can keep Sharn gear until cap or go for some borderlands stuff at level 21. At level 29, you just use Legendary versions of the level 15 stuff, plus a Minor artifact. For weapons, I would use Carnifex at level 4, swap to Riftmaker at level 13, swap to Great Axe of the Drow Weapon Master at 21, and swap to Epic Riftmaker at level 28. None of these weapons should be too brutal to farm out in comparison to other stuff in this game. The ideal endgame weapon is Baz'Moraz out of Project Nemesis but that's obviously way harder to acquire and you mentioned you just wanted to run past lives mostly. Riftmaker will do just fine.

    You're mostly fin just putting all your stat points into Strength and Constitution for this type of character. If you have extra, you can put it into Charisma to hopefully get UMD high enough for raise scrolls at some point in the game. I always put skill points into Jump. I would maybe go UMD if it looks attainable. Balance is fine, Swim is fine, at least a point in Tumble is nice. Intimidate could also be pretty good.

    Edit: For extra DPS, you can go tier 5 Frenzied Berserker, instead of Ravager. Now you will want Falchions instead of Great Axes (because +2 crit multiplier instead of +2 crit threat range). Falchions are actually flat out better but the downside is the best ones are harder to farm. You can just use a Ferrocrystal Falchion to start, then switch to Barovian/Macabre at 10. At 15, though, you could really use a Tail of the Scorpion, which is a pain to farm out. Same goes for the legendary one. If you happen to have one though, it's one of the best weapons in the game. If you happen to have a Sword of Shadow, it overrides all options until level 20, or even 29. Lol.
    Last edited by PrinceOfAsphodel; 04-02-2021 at 07:52 AM.
    Princze/Dazneus of Cannith

  5. #5
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    I've been doing this the last few racials, pure barby.

    Get blood tribute, then get the cracking attack all the way up that gives +2w for 10 sec and all the strikethrough buffs. Once you max that out, for most dps go ravager for cruel cut 3/3/1 and laughter.

    So you start your rotation with cruel cut into cracking attack to stack up all the buffs into slaughter. With lot of strikethrough that +13w (+1 from hurting) total will hit 3 to 4 enemies around you. Make sure to first active frenzy/death frenzy before entering combat.

    For tier 5 you get strikethrough, +2 multiplier, hurting and tantrum (to finish off anyone standing from slaughter) from frenzy.

    If you have vistani, haste boost will do some wonderful things to add on top of that for 8 action points, which technically with 41 frenzy, 31 ravager you should have

    However, if instead of ravager you go occult you get some very nice defenses too, but you said dps.
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  6. #6
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    For tring?

    So id start with blood tribute, the faster you get that the faster you can zerg, focus on the upgrade to rage that gives sprint boost after that, and sprint boost itself as next thing you grab.
    After that you can get cleaves, at present cleaves are not powerful but that will change with next update.

    After cleaves, i personally push toward spamming points into ravager, and for heroic depending on gear /resources you have 2 approaches. You can go max dps and t5 berserker or you can go dps and survival with ravager t5.
    Most people prefer ravager, since its extremely fun to jump into a pack of mobs around sharn pull whole dungeon and never drop below half hp because you kill fast enough to always stay healed.

    Weapon wise, best in slot would be old mealstorm or a keen of vorpal axe, but lets assume those are hard to get, start with starter axe, upgrade to borderlands falchion and use carnifex til lv 10, i hope you saved the boxes and can get sword of shadows, that will carry you til 20 when you tr.
    For epic barb is easy, esos from 20 til raid weapon. (you can bother with wpm gsword at 9 to have a ooze beater)

    Gear wise, id grab lv 5 feywild helm, cuz we love melee power, some basic set from slavers, silent avenger from ravenloft, and at 15 a mix of crafted gear fey helm sharn set, that can bring you up to 30 as well, 13 is best level for barbs. Madstone boots are a game changer and release you from haste potion spam or gsteel clickies haste.

    Feat wise, 1 2handed, 3 patack, 6 imp 2 handed, 9 impr critical, 12 greater 2 handed, 15 18 whatever, i pick stunning blow and completionist.

    Lv 1 buy few stacks of haste potions, jump drink and just run to boss and kill it.
    If its not at least yellow alert, you are doing it wrong.

    More efficient for tring is to splash few levels of fighter and get spring attack to ... Yes you called it, move faster (spring allows some nice bypassing of quest mechanics just to get to the boss faster, why wait for doors when you can outjump/run before they close xD)
    Last edited by Kebtid; 04-18-2021 at 04:00 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

  7. #7
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post present cleaves are not powerful but that will change with next update...
    Hi, can you explain what you mean by this please? I must've missed something - how are cleaves becoming more powerful with the next update?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkwier View Post
    Hi, can you explain what you mean by this please? I must've missed something - how are cleaves becoming more powerful with the next update?
    Double strike change
    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    There is no shortage of content in this game for the weakest 5% of players.

    For most content, they have three difficulties designed solely for them, Casual, Normal and Hard.

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