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Thread: Argo

  1. #1
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Argo

    Greetings, I have a guild member in Ludus of Argo (Argonnessen Server) that has immigrated to Berlin (GMT +1). She plays early morning and evening and is learning to speak German. I would like, if at all possible, for a native speaker to join our Guild to party with her and help her with her language studies. I feel that communicating in German within the game would help her tremendously.

    Just look for any Ludus of Argo guild member to join or if your guild has German/English speakers please reply so I may give her the option to join your guild to help her.

    Thank you
    Ludus of Argo

    ETA: She uses discord as well as in game chat.

  2. #2
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Hey Uralte,
    I just read this. I don't play on Argo but may I recommend the german ddo discord?! She might like to read about the game in german or find german speaking players from Argo there or from Berlin.

    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010



    the German ddo Discord is probably her best bet to get in contact with Germans and read game related German language. There are very few German players on Argo. I personally don't have the time to play currently and the few others I know mostly aren't exactly regulars.

    Still i would be happy to see her on the discord.

    Also, maybe try putting up an lfm looking for german speakers? I know a lot of people on Argo but unless you use voice chat you can't exactly know who speaks German (even then not always) so there might be some Germans in hiding out there that I don't know about and that don't read the forum / usw discord...

    Good luck with your search. I hope to chat with her soon on discord/Ingame.


  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    I don't know if either are still active but there were two German Guilds on Cannith - Decameron and Blechbuechsen GmbH

    Also because Wayfinder was originally a German server I believe there's still a few Germans playing on Wayfinder.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I don't know if either are still active but there were two German Guilds on Cannith - Decameron and Blechbuechsen GmbH

    Also because Wayfinder was originally a German server I believe there's still a few Germans playing on Wayfinder.
    They still exist, Decameron has still some active players, Im not sure about the Beclbuechsen GmbH, sometime I see one of their members on.
    Cannith - Blutwurst / Knackwurst

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