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  1. #1
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Default Anniversary Stuffz

    For the anniversary event, new items:

    Red Crystal Crown: 80 party favors.
    Ruddy Dretchling Certificate: 100 party favors.
    The 13 previous House cloaks: All 80 party favors.

    No new functional items. No Illuminating Forum Post...why?

    Log out and back in to get the 15th anniversary cosmetic cloak. It has a red crystal theme. I like it.

    Edit: The anniversary cloak is 1/character, so you can end up with a ton of them. I tried turning them into glamourdust...won't work.

    Functional anniversary gift gives the option of the following items:
    100,000 XP stone.
    10 Commendations of Heroism.
    Heroic Quiver of Alacrity
    Sword of Shadows
    Seven Fingered Gloves
    Heroic Litany of the Dead
    Unwavering Adency
    Divine Vengeance
    Marilith Chain
    Staff of the Petitioner
    Epic Quiver of Alacrity
    Circle of Malevolence
    Epic Deific Diadem
    Epic Noxious Embers
    Knives Eternal
    Epic Litany of the Dead
    Sanctified Gages
    Shroud of the Ardent
    Epic Purging the Pantheon
    Strange Tidings
    Boots of Blessed Travels
    Many-Hooked Greaves
    Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier
    Belt of Braided Beards
    Visions of Precision
    Battlerager's Harness
    Dumathoin's Bracers
    Dark Diversion
    Ward Token
    Dethek Runestone
    Dragon Masque
    Last edited by Matuse; 02-24-2021 at 01:57 PM.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2019


    Assuming I don't need a quiver (have two already), and levels 20-28 get skipped (multibox pulling) - any recommendations on items?

    Was thinking about picking up the SoS on my second main.

  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeme View Post
    Assuming I don't need a quiver (have two already), and levels 20-28 get skipped (multibox pulling) - any recommendations on items?

    Was thinking about picking up the SoS on my second main.
    Well, if you have mule accounts that you don't really play...take the commendations of heroism. You can hand over relics and use the HComms to buy augments from the gianthold vendors and the augments are tradeable back. Skip needing to do two raids that almost nobody ever runs anymore.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  4. #4
    Community Member Tres_Tacos's Avatar
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    As someone who still plays a lot of alts, it's very disappointing this is one item per account.

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeme View Post
    Assuming I don't need a quiver (have two already), and levels 20-28 get skipped (multibox pulling) - any recommendations on items?

    Was thinking about picking up the SoS on my second main.
    Or go for the ones that pair with the new(ish) augment crafting system. Epic Litany of the Dead, Ultimatum, Dethek Runestone, & Dark Diversion.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default hmmm...which to choose...

    Ok, I am conflicted. I have the quiver, so don't need that. I am between the SoS and the Epic Litany of the dead (to be able to create a +2 Profane ability augment...for future use). I know the SoS is extremely rare, so I am leaning towards!!


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    Or go for the ones that pair with the new(ish) augment crafting system. Epic Litany of the Dead, Ultimatum, Dethek Runestone, & Dark Diversion.
    Do you use any of those items at cap? 20-28 is getting skipped, so my first impression is that I wouldn't use any of the items in the list from 29+.

  8. #8
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeme View Post
    Do you use any of those items at cap? 20-28 is getting skipped, so my first impression is that I wouldn't use any of the items in the list from 29+.
    +2 profane to stats off litany one is nice if you don't have it off another piece of gear already.

  9. #9
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    Ok, I am conflicted. I have the quiver, so don't need that. I am between the SoS and the Epic Litany of the dead (to be able to create a +2 Profane ability augment...for future use). I know the SoS is extremely rare, so I am leaning towards!!
    Well, litany can get bought with runes which is way easier than a 20 run (and fingers crossed it's on the list) for SoS.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeme View Post
    Assuming I don't need a quiver (have two already), and levels 20-28 get skipped (multibox pulling) - any recommendations on items?

    Was thinking about picking up the SoS on my second main.
    SoS is never a bad call, of course...though its not eSoS

    Unwavering Ardency might be good if you want to plan ahead for Horizon Walker later this year...its an 18-20/x3 base bow at ML14, and its 2[1d12]. Bow of Sinew is 18/x3 19-20/x4 at ML14, though. But if you dont want to grind Harbinger for it..?

    Storm is worth mentioning if you want to run a lot of Inqui EPLs, its hands-down the best xbow from 20-29, but you'll still need to run the raid to upgrade it to Epic

    Litany is at least a swap item for a burst of cheap casting?

    Everything else pretty much falls into the category of "nice to use while leveling, if you have a build that uses that weapon type", or "pretty much obsolete by now because there are other options for [whatever is special on that item]"
    Last edited by droid327; 02-24-2021 at 01:41 PM.

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