Yes, but even better than a magic pair of boots, is a magic pair of slippers.
Yes, but even better than a magic pair of boots, is a magic pair of slippers.
Only if they are BtA
Kiss My Khopes and Bow to my Bow
Firekragg Red / Windkragg Red of Sarlona
All things considered (meaning right size, not cursed, etc) of course they are
Nobody can touch the quality work of a good boot maker
Yes! Using the magic of bags of holding, they're quite roomy!
Sure. The problem is they don't breathe. I'm tired of dealing with magic boot odor. You'd think I could get some Dr. Troll's foot powder at any general vendor, but nooooo! Instead I have to wade through the Red Fens before sweating my way up Claw Canyon, and you wonder why I'm getting looks at the Ever Full Flagon? Make your enchanted footwear with breathable material, for Onatar's sake!
Astreya the Unturning
It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.
Same as non-magical ones , it depends how comfortable they were before enhancements
Maybe, BUT.......
Nothing fit like my Red Ball PF Flyer's (1960's thing).
Depends, magic that sizes items to fit like the one ring certainly would fit better but might bring other "benefits"
No matter who you are, size, race, magical boots always fit to perfection and even never smells like normal ones.
Yes, if they allow you Freedom of Movement.
You may think they are... for a moment... until you start climbing a ladder.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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