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  1. #21
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    if you solo, tr will be slower

    dont worry sarlona, many will carry you if your kind
    sometimes a better talker is a better player
    and tr is fast in groups.

    you have to get over the not contributing part
    who care, so many are triple everythign they just want good company
    i just came back and ima monk
    all i been doing is standing around, watching ppl carry me
    but i bs and give them good talk while im figuring it out
    i jade reapers, i kill bosses, all else i just bs
    if thats your style
    dont recall if ive ran with ya

    but its a game changer being social
    ive went for a deeper dive this time around,
    im kinda really noob even tho i been here since 2006
    we have great ppl in our community

    send me a tell soemtime,
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Maelodic View Post
    ...If I want to play a different build, I have weeks of work left to do before I can TR and it's just exhausting.
    this sums up the problem, and it seems like a pretty common one. even dodeca-pletionist players run into this trap, so it's not just a casual vs. power gamer thing.

    weeks of work. work. work? doesn't sound fun. weeks of awesome adventuring and high-fantasy hijinks, that sounds appealing!
    so what part of DDO would be fun for weeks? if it isn't the thing you are currently doing... maybe there is another thing you could be doing. when you log in, do you say to yourself, "this is going to be great!"? if no, what could you do differently that would place fun ahead of grind?

    always play the game, don't let it play you. otherwise what's the point?

  3. #23
    Eternally Mediocre Girl Maelodic's Avatar
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    I sincerely appreciate everyone's responses here. I think I got myself into a rut thinking about the game in only one way. I'll consider all of this going forward and hopefully I'll have a better time
    Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Feb 2015


    I empathise!! Racial tr's (for build flexibility) and reaper (for pug-availability and overall power) compounded what was otherwise a manageable problem...if one is mostly interested in the build/flavour aspect of DDO, it's hard to let go of alts. The only alternative is being efficient and fast in tr's which, depending on builds and preferred playstyle, can be a lengthy process since a build-a-holic is not going to just follow the meta!

    I agree with those that have said that not worrying about what others do is key to maintaining the fun of whatever long-term projects you want to follow. As an example that I hope may give some ideas, to maintain that fun I have had to reduce my alt stable considerably (as you've done) and the toons who survived the cull do not change build archetypes (ie. one is an archer, one a cleric, etc.) so as to not have to 'work' at finetuning, kit collection, pl farming, etc. - so far it's going 'quite' well...but I'm not sure how sustainable this approach will be; for the first time in 10 years I am dedicating more of my gametime to other games than ddo The only alternative I can see is having one toon only.

    I haven't found a solution to the 'reaper problem' sadly - in fact the only solutions offered here are various forms of 'get your reaper points' which I find a shame, albeit true! The other major differential is your 'social circle' which can turn getting those reaper points into a social, fun gametime....or a solitary, spite-filled slog! It is MAybe find/change guild? Post very specific lfm's to, in time, find like-minded players?
    Given that reaper is the new standard (despite what ssg says) and from someone whose (few) buddies refuse flat out to run it (I don't blame them!) knowing that I'm on an emptying hourglass with regards being included in any endgame pugs/raids is, to say the least, disheartening - I hope you find the social circle you need to remain relevant in this game, otherwise make the most of your own, personal plans!

  5. #25
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Livmo's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Default Great thread!

    Too much win in this thread to quote everyone, but I agree play for fun.

    These points stick out to me:

    • Keep a few raiding toons, I do this. The only time these toons reincarnate is after they filled in all the ED's on first life. And then just ER to stay flagged. Most gear is BtA, so having a few different raid toon builds is very helpful IMO.
    • I prefer to play 1st lifers and when I get the itch for a new niche I make that build on a different server. Once I fine tune a build I will import those ideas into my home server Sarlona main account and use the build to get a past life. Basically I find a build that is fun for me to play, then use that build to get past life. This works for me, but I focus more on the fun.
    • Have an alt account. Sometimes I need to get past an objective and nobody is on or willing to run X. Thus my main might be a healer, but I really need a trapper. I will play both, my main and alt account trapper. I have a trapper on all my alt accounts.
    • Form a static group 1 night a week. I have a busy life, but sometimes I may coral a few peeps to do a 1 night a week till we hit 20. Then group breaks off. Sometimes we got to 30 or reform with different toons.

    Just some thoughts I had after reading the thread.

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