Imagine, you're on your 1000th run of Good Intentions, it's been 4 years since reaper came out. No perfect bonus Ring of Prowess. The solution to this problem? Here's my idea.
The addition of a FOURTH reaper vendor which you can access at 100 reaper points, where you can trade in Reaper XP for an upgrade token that will allocate a random reaper bonus
to an item of your choice, much like an augment. This will not be cheap and in my opinion should be priced at around 1 to 2 million rxp per token to offer players who have an excess of rxp an incentive to continue playing reaper and keep working on perfecting their gearset with some bad luck protection.
This however, will come with flaws, just like any other system. There are players who have already capped their reaper trees and will obviously start ahead with this new system. But this is a problem that has been persistent for many years with other systems (like the introduction of reaper initially for people with lots of past lives compared to people with few or none) perhaps some form of time-gating like raids where you can only purchase one of these tokens every 3 days would slow it down initially for the players who have an excess of rxp.
Feedback on this idea would be greatly appreciated.