In Precious Cargo, walking out on the very front end of the bow of the Banshee, like the famous scene from the movie "Titanic"
In Precious Cargo, walking out on the very front end of the bow of the Banshee, like the famous scene from the movie "Titanic"
It could be anywhere by bring an appreciative partner.
Sunny side Korthos
The Pit, of course - assuming one has Orcish background. All that slime...
Snowy Korthos, you remember that first time you were hailed a savior. Been downhill since then.
Castle Moss
The place at the end of What Goes Up
Picnic site in Borderlands--after clearing the pests.
Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)
The entrance to "Hut from Beyond" (it's cute ) or the secret shrine in "Temple of Evil Chaos".
Ask Goldscuttle, he got a nice place at the rooftops of "The Night Market".
Ataraxia's Haven or our Airship's spa.
Please DOOOOOM!!!!!11111!!!!! early and often.
the grotto
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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