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I want the Archmage tree to be awesome. As it stands, it's incredibly underwhelming. It's long overdue for a complete overhaul, a reimagining of what it's all about. We have the warrior wizard now, and the necromancer. But the central *idea* of the Wizard as master of the weave, of the schools of magic, of the elements, etc, has never come to fruition in the game, and it needs to.
Please revamp Archmage, and please do it soon. Some suggestions -
1) Special SLAs for each school specialization (example - for Illusion, something like Weird, functioning like a mass Phantasmal Killer. Conjuration could have Wish - a spell with a toggle that could be many other spells from divine or arcane, etc).
2) Energy admixture - old feat from the prestige class that allowed Wizards to change the elemental damage type of a spell.
3) Staff Focus - it would be cool to have a Wizard that specifically made good use of magical staves. It's classic D&D stuff.
4) Familiars
Anyway. Here's for hoping. A genuine alternative to EK variants that lives in the Raistlin/Elminster/Dalamar/Gromph end of the D&D fantasy spectrum would be amazing.