So I grabbed a Dull Dagger from Leg Vision tonight and this changed my TR plan some, I am a mostly F2P player who has finally unlocked Falconry and was originally wanting to do a tempest to see just how nice that multi-mob TWF damage really was, with Falconry for survivability, but now I have a new secondary objective.
I want to run a life where I can enjoy a bit of time at 30 with raids/low reapers as I usually do, while also taking at least 1 level of FvS/Clr/Pal with follower of Blood of Vol to get my keeper dagger
And so I come before you all, rather humbly, as someone who has an awful time making builds and is seeking advice to make this happen. I was originally going to do Strimm's hardcore falconry ranger at it's core, but now I am wondering if there is a tempest build which incorporates at least a level's splash in one of the faith classes to allow the unlock at 30. I do have vistani, (but I refuse to make a shifter because I just find them horrendous to look at)
Is this possible or am I expecting too much from the class, would it be better to just go FvS rather than ranger? Insights into viability and possible builds highly appreciated, thank you!