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  1. #61
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    Blood of Blossoms Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29

    Enhanced Ki +3
    Wisdom +21
    Insightful Wisdom +10
    Sheltering +55
    Blue Augment Slot
    Green Augment Slot
    Set Bonuses Eminence of Spring

    Spring ( instead of summer) makes this useless to all 7 of my monks and monk experiments.

    There is nothing listed to tempt me to run this on my main (monk).
    Last edited by Eme; 02-09-2021 at 09:18 PM.

  2. #62
    Community Member SilverHeals's Avatar
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    Let's take a moment to recognize nothing is finalized and subject to change.

    That being said, as someone who very much enjoys bow-style gameplay, I would really like to see a longbow come back for this raid. There are three-ish bows that are relevant right now: Void, Chaosbow, and Legendary Twisted Willow. The current problem we have with bows is the nice raid bows lack base damage rating, well behind the farmable Twisted Willow. Both of our raid bows are ~15 BDR lower than Legendary Twisted Willow. Both raid bows are also lacking extended critical profile.

    I would like to see a raid bow containing alacrity and elasticity, and either a form of vulnerability application or armor-piercing w/ a 19-20/x3 profile, or a 20/x4, just something different. Currently bow builds are behind all other forms of ranged dps because we do not have a strong bow to use. Also, I have to say I really like the concept of having a summoned arrow, and I think it's a good vehicle to add some new gameplay opportunities for bow users.

    I am looking toward the positive side of things hoping some of the raid loot is not posted in this first preview and will show its face in the next raid preview.

    Thank you devs for the hard work and I look forward to what's to come!

  3. #63
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    Let's take a moment to recognize nothing is finalized and subject to change.

    That being said, as someone who very much enjoys bow-style gameplay, I would really like to see a longbow come back for this raid. There are three-ish bows that are relevant right now: Void, Chaosbow, and Legendary Twisted Willow. The current problem we have with bows is the nice raid bows lack base damage rating, well behind the farmable Twisted Willow. Both of our raid bows are ~15 BDR lower than Legendary Twisted Willow. Both raid bows are also lacking extended critical profile.

    I would like to see a raid bow containing alacrity and elasticity, and either a form of vulnerability application or armor-piercing w/ a 19-20/x3 profile, or a 20/x4, just something different. Currently bow builds are behind all other forms of ranged dps because we do not have a strong bow to use. Also, I have to say I really like the concept of having a summoned arrow, and I think it's a good vehicle to add some new gameplay opportunities for bow users.

    I am looking toward the positive side of things hoping some of the raid loot is not posted in this first preview and will show its face in the next raid preview.

    Thank you devs for the hard work and I look forward to what's to come!

    Don't worry, you will be able to buy an expansion with an OP ranged tree that will make you top dps in endgame with a nicked longbow.
    And now neither alchemists nor fire sorcs will compete with horizon walker.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  4. #64
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    How do you expect us to provide feedback on this item without providing the proc damage and the proc rate on "Dripping with Magma". Is it 500 damage at 1%? Is it 5000 damage at 5%? "High chance" and "very strong" are useless descriptors.

    If it is "typical" then this weapon is just as inferior to Baz as it was back when I explicitly told Lynnabel this in council.

    Rehashing fetters is also getting old...

    Armor piercing is already itemized for a swap weapon, which is exactly what providing multiple kinds of the same endgame weapon type produce - swappable weapons based on the circumstance.

    I just don't know what the thought process was behind this item, if any. I guess THF is getting nerfed anyway, so I'm wondering what the point of this feedback even is as I write this.

    See... The spoiled THF players are not amused

    My TWF would give his right leg for a Battle axe version...

  5. #65
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    I would like to see a raid bow containing alacrity and elasticity, and either a form of vulnerability application or armor-piercing w/ a 19-20/x3 profile, or a 20/x4, just something different. Currently bow builds are behind all other forms of ranged dps because we do not have a strong bow to use. Also, I have to say I really like the concept of having a summoned arrow, and I think it's a good vehicle to add some new gameplay opportunities for bow users.
    -keen (+2w)
    -elasticity(+1 mult on 19/20)
    -alacrity(for post bow changes)

    Translation: what vernal equinox was.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  6. #66
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    See... The spoiled THF players are not amused

    My TWF would give his right leg for a Battle axe version...
    I just downloaded lama and logged in to swing the axe for a few seconds. It's a holdover until fully upgraded Baz comes around for those who do not have one yet - at best.

    For those who do have one, it's a cosmetic - at best.

    At worst, well...

    I'll make better use of the sentient xp when it's fed. The magma proc is roughly a 100 a tick on dojo kobolds.

  7. #67
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Where is the handwrap?
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  8. #68
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Why does Mirana of the Flame look like 2 Falchions held at different rotations?

    Also, DDO needs Blue Eyes and Wings of the Reaper. I need them to match the color of my Falchion.
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 02-09-2021 at 10:06 PM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden-br View Post
    Where is the handwrap?
    With the Khopesh and bow.

  10. #70
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Also, why do the loot guys still not offer the Feytwisted gear?

    Why does Autumn only support INT based casters?

    Where is the missing Winter/Spring and Summer/Autumn artifacts?

    Why are all the spellcasting bard items under the effing Spring set?
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 02-10-2021 at 12:24 AM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  11. #71
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    The Changestone Raid Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • One of the following:
      • Strength
      • Dexterity
      • Constitution
      • Intelligence
      • Wisdom
      • Charisma
    • One of the following:
      • Doubleshot
      • Doublestrike
      • Accuracy
    • One of the following:
      • Seeker
      • Deception
      • Deadly
    • One of the following:
      • Speed
      • Insightful Deadly
      • Insightful Accuracy
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Summer
    Thanks, I hate it. This item is end of employment Feather_of_Sun nonsense.

    Please add an option to crunch this into "Eminence of <Insert season>" augments.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  12. #72
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    You know, I think I might have an idea for a solution to a lot of the Feywild gear issues.

    New raid augments. Eminence of XYZ augment. Put it into an item and it overwrites any set membership of that item with its own Eminence. Just like the set augments for doublestrike or MP or the like do. So people think item X ought to be spring, pay a raid augment and an aug slot and so it is.

  13. #73
    Community Member IlmerSilverhilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverHeals View Post
    Let's take a moment to recognize nothing is finalized and subject to change.

    That being said, as someone who very much enjoys bow-style gameplay, I would really like to see a longbow come back for this raid. There are three-ish bows that are relevant right now: Void, Chaosbow, and Legendary Twisted Willow. The current problem we have with bows is the nice raid bows lack base damage rating, well behind the farmable Twisted Willow. Both of our raid bows are ~15 BDR lower than Legendary Twisted Willow. Both raid bows are also lacking extended critical profile.

    I would like to see a raid bow containing alacrity and elasticity, and either a form of vulnerability application or armor-piercing w/ a 19-20/x3 profile, or a 20/x4, just something different. Currently bow builds are behind all other forms of ranged dps because we do not have a strong bow to use. Also, I have to say I really like the concept of having a summoned arrow, and I think it's a good vehicle to add some new gameplay opportunities for bow users.

    I am looking toward the positive side of things hoping some of the raid loot is not posted in this first preview and will show its face in the next raid preview.

    Thank you devs for the hard work and I look forward to what's to come!
    Im also so sad there is no bow! I changed my build for it And have both my main characters on cap atm, to get cracking on this raid. Bow was pretty much the ONLY reason I was interested in the raid, other than just the fun in running a new raid... It had 2 slots, and I crafted a new named augment to slot in it. I was so ready!

    As for the effects, its like they have painted themselves into a corner. I mean, it has to have Keen and Elasticity to even be considered, the alacrity was nice on it and also the electric dmg could be nice, fits my build thematicaly as I use shock arrow stance. I really hope its just withheld for preview1 and it shows up later, with the other missing weapons.
    Illmer Silverhilt, 36pt (Half) Elf Rogue13/Fighter6/Monk1. The Kighter
    Mesmerrita d'Jorasco, 36pt PDK Bard20. Racial Completionist
    Subpar, Orien

    (not currently) Livestreaming on - My YouTube - My Spotify

  14. #74
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    suggestion to make things more friendly and worthwhile to run:

    dump the trinkets.
    Instead: Add a generic 'Fey Seasoned Quiver' ( blank) as raid loot.
    Then allow the list from The Changestone, including many extra stats and abilities, to each be a season.
    Drop seasonal seeds ( or something) as raid loot, similar to the soul thing we need to crunch augments.
    Make each of the four season tiers a craftable choice, ( like the blown deadline goggles, but raid worthy and actually still handy), so:

    the seasonal seed+ particular item +soulforged thing = specific effect. eg: Winter tier of Wisdom 21.

    Allow us to add these 4 tiers to the Fey Seasoned Quiver.

    Have a final 5th tier stage, that involves 1 seasonal seed from each season ( so total of 4), and some other item to make it take time, that when added tot he quiver allows you to make it belong to ANY SET you want.

    This makes the quiver slot and the raid highly valuable for every class and player slot friendly.

    ( and if you wanted to make people want to run this like crazy, add/stack up and include all the the speciffic item's mythic & reaper bonuses from the crafting crunch stage, too, to allow ultra fine tuning of uber stats)
    Last edited by Eme; 02-10-2021 at 01:14 AM.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaBravo View Post
    You can do better then this.. The list of weapons in this raid is underwhelming. You missied out the ranged weapons. The kophes are gone. the augements are useless who wants a augemnt that can on a vorpel hit kill mobs that have less then 5k hp ? its a gonner on a normal crit anyway..

    Come on put something people would want from it in here. no matter the class, race, weapon style and so on.

    HP augments.. (+100 or something)
    Quivers that have an augemnt slot.
    The eminence of ( all the season ) augements(make em exclusive)But you can then make an item from outside feywild a part of your feywild set.
    Metaline augments. ( people are useing Dr breaking augements on the augement slots and all the melee or other cool augements you make for weapons is not usefull aslong as people cant fit em in there.

    There is not a single item iam looking at and thinking NICE i want that for my.(class) Maybe the winter helm would be nice. but then again its a raid helm., and if iam min maxing. finding a reaper stat bonus on a raid helm,, hmmm.. maybe not.

    Please you can do better.. It dont need to be overpowerd it just needs to be usefull..

    This...and Many posts, Feed back...
    What are you doing honnestly !?!
    In an economic perspective You want players to stay, try or come back to the game, you want to sell Feywild expansion, dont you ? why dont you give to us the right items we want to have fun !!?? I am not asking for overpowered Items...but for items we NEED to play builds like bow, mace. Kopesh...!!! I am not a bow user, i dont care about it, but many players ask with reason for a bow : a cool looking decent dps one, so simple. People were happy to play kopesh Again and you remove it...there is no raid light mace and some builds are waiting a decent one : bring one...
    Please breath slowly, experiment the feeling to be part of the universe, find back your comon sense, feel love for what you want but bring better items on the table...Again, we dont need overpowered ones, only Somme usefull ones..

  16. #76
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Aspect of the wild hunt looks like it'd be pretty tasty for my main, will that +1W stack with Stone Paws from the Dethek Runestone? Of course, Titania's glory with it's 10 melee power plus other benefits are likely better anyway & I already have that one.

    Driftwood... iirc the greensteel salt effect is untyped, will that also be the case for the shot from this?

    Will the shadow/flame/frost blades inherently benefit from alternative stats to hit & damage?

    Changestone is interesting, but IMO it'd really shine as a customisable item to spend threads to upgrade (say 25 each, so not huge but requires a bit of work), and then maybe add in the ability to also choose which set bonus you get on it too.

    The previously previewed bow is conspicuously absent, presumably that means there'll be something coming alongside the pass later on - still, lore-wise this would have been a good place to have one, or a named quiver, maybe even make an artifact quiver with some interesting & unusual effects.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  17. #77
    Community Member PrinceOfAsphodel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release.

    The Changestone Raid Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • One of the following:
      • Strength
      • Dexterity
      • Constitution
      • Intelligence
      • Wisdom
      • Charisma
    • One of the following:
      • Doubleshot
      • Doublestrike
      • Accuracy
    • One of the following:
      • Seeker
      • Deception
      • Deadly
    • One of the following:
      • Speed
      • Insightful Deadly
      • Insightful Accuracy
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Summer
    Are these effects craftable? It would be a shame if they're stuck the way you find them.
    Princze/Dazneus of Cannith

  18. #78
    ([ ]'.')>-{===> <( ;..; <)
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    The loot looks cool, but does anyone else think that stuff is getting a bit bland with everything doing the same no matter the element. Doesn't matter if your weapon is made of ice, shadow or fire it does the same thing, just with a different name for the bite.
    It's the same with the spell changes. It seems like by now it's just a matter of picking your preferred element instead of the desired effect.

  19. #79
    Community Member krzyysiek098's Avatar
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    1) Thank you for listening players and making bastard sword better.

    2) Raid Augments: I like Feareater and would love to use one, but the other two are incredibly weak, even for a wilderness area loot (and it's a raid loot!)
    I definitely would not waste a slot for either of those two, as I already have difficulties to fit everything I want in augment slots. Shattermantle and Inflict Light Wounds are IMO effects OK for heroic levels, not legendary.
    If those two augments occupy slots of named items in the raid drop list, please consider swapping them to some other items (like weapons, especially of types that are not used often because of lack of good DPS when equipped - like dwarven axes, sickles, kamas etc.)

    3) There are at least a few unnecessary items i.e. items that already have a very strong alternatives. Awesome daggers already drop in Baba, Strahd and VoD, Project Nemesis drops a superb greataxe, Vod has a falchion that is hard to beat... Yet I rarely see people swinging morningstars, war hammers, heavy picks, handaxes, greatclubs... I know that some of those weapons have poor base damage or crit profile, but you can always add keen, sovereign vorpal, adjust crit profile etc. and make some shinies people would hunt. More versatility please!

    4) I totally agree that almost noone will be using that caster quarterstaff, simply because it needs a power of 2 items to be even considered a viable option. Don't be afraid to make such a weapon!

    5) While I can see some thought behind many of those weapons (they are thematically attached to one element), the overall impression is that almost all of those weapons are a simple copy-paste work.

    6) I like the orb, but Sounding effect is pretty weak for a legendary raid weapon (non scalable 4-24 damage? MEH!).

    7) I really like the caster trinket! Combination of hard-to-get-elsewhere quality bonus to spellpower, useful (and at appropriate power level) resist plus unique ability to lower enemy's resistance = WIN!

    8) If The Changestone has enhancements attached upon item creation (that is: fixed) then this item is (99% times it drops) a sentient food, nothing more. Raid items are already rare, please don't make one that makes people unhappy because of RNG. There are reasons so many people love Collective Sight goggles or use pretty outdated (if you look at numerical values on enhancements) Slave Lords crafting stuff - it allows them to fill the gaps in their builds.

    9) There are some good suggestions in this thread I really want to support:
    Quote Originally Posted by ValariusK View Post
    New raid augments. Eminence of XYZ augment. Put it into an item and it overwrites any set membership of that item with its own Eminence. So people think item X ought to be spring, pay a raid augment and an aug slot and so it is.
    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    <fake enthusiasm> Two Wisdom effects! Oh, except that if I care about Wisdom, that +21 Wisdom is wasted because I'm wearing a +22 Wisdom Artifact. I guess it makes a swap item for non-Wisdom casters when using Mass Frog once per minute.
    How about making the +21 Wisdom into +5 Quality Wisdom, giving us the same kind of consolidation we see in the Deep Snow boots?
    Plus, I would want to see that monk trinket in Summer set, because of artifact bonus to tactical abilities (4 pcs).

    10) I like the tank trinket (especially unique - so far - Superior Heroism) but I would like to see something that helps to grab and maintain aggro of monsters that are immune to Intimidate. Maybe something like "Every time you hit an enemy with a melee weapon you gain XXX extra hate of that enemy" or "Every time you score and confirm a critical hit on an enemy you place yourself on top of it's hate list". Another idea (less unique but easier to make) was already posted by another player:
    Quote Originally Posted by Cashiry View Post
    So could you change Insightful Intimidate +11 to Quality Intimidate +6
    The Legendary Nocturne Ring (also winter set) gives Command (Insight +10) to Charisma Skills, Someone who will be wearing a 7piece set will be wearing the ring.
    11) Necklace and helmet are pretty solid and useful. Maybe not best-in-slot but I'm okay with that.
    Last edited by krzyysiek098; 02-10-2021 at 06:05 AM.
    Khyber: Nimrud (main), Tadko (tank), Yayamee (monk), Healingonly (melee FvS), Almeya (trapper), Groggor (barb), Feneya (archer), Zornix (archer) and some others
    Hardcore season 1: AveDarkLord (favor leaderboards)
    Hardcore season 5: Dont Wanna Die (favor leaderboards)

  20. #80
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    Angry Weapons

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release.

    Update 48 Patch 4 is expected to contain the following new named raid loot items located in the The Dryad and the Demigod. During this preview you can easily access this loot via "The Loot Guy" NPC located in the center of the Test Dojo.

    Blood of Blossoms Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Enhanced Ki +3
    • Wisdom +21
    • Insightful Wisdom +10
    • Sheltering +55
    • Blue Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Spring

    The Changestone Raid Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • One of the following:
      • Strength
      • Dexterity
      • Constitution
      • Intelligence
      • Wisdom
      • Charisma
    • One of the following:
      • Doubleshot
      • Doublestrike
      • Accuracy
    • One of the following:
      • Seeker
      • Deception
      • Deadly
    • One of the following:
      • Speed
      • Insightful Deadly
      • Insightful Accuracy
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Summer

    Bottled Rainstorm Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Quenched Your Cold and Lightning spells apply the debuff portion of Quench with no save.
    • Insightful Power of the Frozen Storm +109 Passive: Insightful Bonus to Cold and Electric Spell Power.
    • Quality Power of the Frozen Storm +54 Passive: Quality Bonus to Cold and Electric Spell Power.
    • Fire Resistance +83
    • Blue Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Autumn

    Icon of the Bitterwind Trinket
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Superior Heroism
    • Intimidate +22
    • Insightful Intimidate +11
    • Incite +193%
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Blue Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Winter

    Rune Lodestone Necklace
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Sight Beyond Sight You can see through all veils, piercing magical and mundane defenses alike. +5% Enhancement bonus to Dodge Bypass.
    • Eversight You benefit from the spell True Seeing and are Immune to Blindness.
    • Pierce Cold Iron Provides the Pierce Cold Iron feat, allowing your equipped weapons to break Cold Iron DR.
    • Spell Saves +17
    • Blue Augment Slot
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Yellow Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Winter

    Aspect of the Wild Hunt Helmet
    Minimum Level: 29
    • Teeth of Bone While in any Wild Shape or Shift, your weapons gain Piercing damage bypass and +1W.
    • Constitution +21
    • Insightful Doublestrike +11%
    • Elemental Resistance +45
    • Green Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Summer

    Driftwood Runearm
    Minimum Level: 29
    Shot Type: Salt Shot
    Maximum Charge Tier: 5
    Rune Arm Imbue: Tidal Shot VI

    • Insightful Impulse +109
    • Quality Impulse +54
    • Natural Armor Bonus +21
    • Corrosive Salt Guard
    • Green Augment Slot

    Hyrsam's Fiddle Orb
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 1d4
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x2

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Orb Bonus +15
    • Sounding On Harmful Spellcast: Do an additional 4 to 24 Sonic Damage.
    • Good Luck +5
    • Insightful Resonance +109
    • Quality Resonance +54
    • Inspiration of the Inferno While this Fiddle is equipped, you will use it to perform your Bardic Music.
    • Purple Augment Slot
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Set Bonuses Eminence of Spring

    The Magmatic Reaver Great Axe
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 7[1d12+6]
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x3
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Dripping with Magma This Obsidian weapon drips with magma on every swing. Your attacks have a high chance to deal very strong fire damage over time.
    • Keen V
    • Armor-Piercing +34%
    • Flamebitten On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every two seconds. On Vorpa: Applies a stack of Ashcarred (-1 to all Saving Throws. Non-bosses also move and attack 5% slower. This effect stacks up to 5 times.)
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Orange Augment Slot

    Staff of the Summer Solstice Quarterstaff
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[1d6+6]
    Critical Profile: 20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Titatnia's Warmth The Queen of Summer sends her regards... Attacks and offensive spells have a chance to grant 1000 temporary hitpoints. This has a one minute cooldown.
    • Purifying Flame Lore +32%
    • Power of the Flames of Purity +219 Passive: Equipment Bonus to Fire and Light Spell Power.
    • Sacred Spell Focus +2
    • Summer's Impertinence The heat of Summer surrounds you. +20% Enhancement bonus to critical damage with fire spells.
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Orange Augment Slot

    The Bitter Edge Bastard Sword
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 7[1d10+3]
    Critical Profile: 17-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Royalty's Frigid Response The Prince of Frost sends his regards... Your attacks and offensive spells have a chance to freeze an enemy in a block of ice.
    • Frostbite On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every two seconds. On Vorpal: Applies a stack of Lethargy (-1 to all Saving Throws. Non-bosses also move and attack 5% slower. This effect stacks up to 5 times.)
    • Keen V
    • Icy Blast +10d6
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Purple Augment Slot

    Eidolon of the Shadow Great Sword
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[2d6+6]
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Shadowblade This blade is made of pure force and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Impactful 10d6
    • Force Blast 10d6
    • Sovereign Nightmares On Vorpal Hit: If your target has below 5,000 Hit Points, a burst of pure terror emanates from this weapon, snuffing out its life as if it were the subject of a Phantasmal Killer spell. If your target has above 5,000 Hit Points, they instead take significant Force damage.
    • Constricting Nightmare Enemies struck by this weapon are stricken with a horrible fear of death, reducing their Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance by 10.
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Purple Augment Slot

    Raellia, the Frostblade Dagger
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[1d4+3]
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Frostblade This blade is made of pure ice and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Chilling 10d6
    • Icy Blast 10d6
    • Frostbite On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every two seconds. On Vorpal: Applies a stack of Lethargy (-1 to all Saving Throws. Non-bosses also move and attack 5% slower. This effect stacks up to 5 times.)
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Orange Augment Slot

    Rauven of the Frost Long Sword
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[1d8+3]
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Frostblade This blade is made of pure ice and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Chilling 10d6
    • Icy Blast 10d6
    • Legendary Freezing Ice On hit, this has a chance of freezing your enemies in solid ice. Struck enemies must make a DC 100 Fortitude save or be frozen solid.
    • Frostbite On Hit: Applies a stack of Vulnerable (1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.). This effect may only occur on-hit once every two seconds. On Vorpal: Applies a stack of Lethargy (-1 to all Saving Throws. Non-bosses also move and attack 5% slower. This effect stacks up to 5 times.)
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Orange Augment Slot

    Valorius, the Flameblade Scimitar
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[1d6+3]
    Critical Profile: 18-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Flameblade This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Fiery 10d6
    • Flaming Blast 10d6
    • Overwhelming Incineration This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage.
    • Legendary Blinding Embers This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creature's sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Purple Augment Slot

    Mirana of the Flame Falchion
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[2d4+6
    Critical Profile: 18-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Flameblade This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Fiery 10d6
    • Flaming Blast 10d6
    • Overwhelming Incineration This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage.
    • Legendary Blinding Embers This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creature's sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Purple Augment Slot

    Esper, the Shadowblade Short Sword
    Minimum Level: 29
    Damage Dice: 5[1d6+3]
    Critical Profile: 19-20/x2
    Enhancement Bonus: +15

    • Spellcasting Implement +29
    • Shadowblade This blade is made of pure force and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately.
    • Impactful 10d6
    • Force Blast 10d6
    • Sovereign Nightmares On Vorpal Hit: If your target has below 5,000 Hit Points, a burst of pure terror emanates from this weapon, snuffing out its life as if it were the subject of a Phantasmal Killer spell. If your target has above 5,000 Hit Points, they instead take significant Force damage.
    • Constricting Nightmare Enemies struck by this weapon are stricken with a horrible fear of death, reducing their Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance by 10.
    • Red Augment Slot
    • Orange Augment Slot

    Feareater Purple Augment
    Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide a Sovereign Nightmares. On Vorpal Hit: If your target has below 5,000 Hit Points, a burst of pure terror emanates from this weapon, snuffing out its life as if it were the subject of a Phantasmal Killer spell. If your target has above 5,000 Hit Points, they instead take significant Force damage.

    Emerald of Bitter Wounds Green Augment
    Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide a Boon of Undeath. Every time a character wearing a Boon of Undeath item is struck in combat, an Inflict Light Wounds spell will be cast on the character. This augment can only go in a Green Augment Slot.

    Dismagicka Orange Augment
    Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide a Shattermantle effect. When a Shattermantle weapon strikes a foe that has spell resistance, the value of that spell resistance is reduced by 3 for 9 seconds. A foe can only have its SR reduced by one Shattermantle effect at a time. This augment can only go in an Orange Augment Slot.
    What about all weapons instead of just what you think should be??! Throwing daggers and darts??? Come in use your head so ALL can play the game for reasons! Hell you can’t even keep your word and give back to the people you’ve screwed over with subscriptions and down time! Stop being selfish and think of us who PAY you what you work for

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