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  1. #1
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Shifter Razorclaw

    I absolutely love the fact that the razorclaw has this awesome hand to hand melee attack. I am disappointed that the Razorclaw subrace isn't an option for the heroic shifter. I would love to see an addition of Razorclaw subrace on heroic so we can use the hand to hand melee like the iconic on heroic.

    Please consider this, it would be AWESOME!!!!

  2. #2
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018


    So, I still love playing the razorclaw shifter, but I prefer heroic levels over epics. Today I saw the "Razorclaw" enhancement tree and thought that we now had a razorclaw enhancement tree for the heroic shifter... sadly it wasn't what I thought it was.

    Again I would love to be able to melee on my shifter like my razorclaw shifter does with handwraps. An enhancement tree allowing the heroic shifter to fight like a razorclaw would be awesome.

    I would also like to see "natural fighting" feat become an option for the razorclaw (and hopefully the shifter should they get "claws" for melee). I have these awesome claws and would like to use them on my shifter and see them get a buff with natural fighting.

    The only solution I have found to H2H natural melee on the shifter is by playing a monk... I loathe playing monks. The fighter kensai handwrap specialization is completely useless and although it says "martial arts" it is still useless and ineffective absent splashing in monk... again, I loathe playing a monk, absolutely love the fighting style of the razorclaw.

    Perhaps a solution would be to allow a 3rd subrace to shifter; razorclaw subrace that will allow us to melee on heroic like the iconic razorclaw.

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