Ludus: A school for training gladiators.
Ludus of Argo is a new guild founded by old players to facilitate a need in DDO; We are a teaching guild here to help new and returning players get acquainted (or reacquainted) with the game.
We saw a need to form the Ludus to aid new players to become successful and effective in DDO. The game has evolved and the players who have been playing for some time have already evolved with it. You can find a plethora of information on classes, races and more importantly, builds. However, we have so many expert players often the information being given is based on the fact that you are many lives into your character already.
Ludus of Argo offers first life new or relatively new players a teaching guild to help you learn character building, character development, questing, dungeoneering, tactics and group synergy without being beholden. We want to help you along your way through your first life and once you are into your second life, move on to other guilds. Guilds that are more geared to helping you race through the rest of your lives. We will happily keep you within our guild, however our guild policy is second life characters at tenth level become mentors or they move on.
We do not require you to leave Ludus entirely, you are welcome to keep any and all first life characters within the guild if you choose not to mentor, but we find it best to help new players on the most even footing we can have, so our officers tend to make first life characters that are level appropriate to help our new members learn the game. Around level 10 we try to get you partied into a "warband", this is usually led by a mentor that will be leading you into the harder content. We make every effort to keep our warbands balanced parties for best team synergy.
We are an international guild having players in Berlin, Brazil, Poland, Norway, US and all over the time zones. We are small but growing quickly and absolutely patient with everyone.
There is a lack of ranking within the guild system of DDO, therefore we have a ranking system on our website. Basically we have two officer positions: Mentor Officers and Recruitment Officers:
Recruitment Officers are here to show you around the ship, show you around Stormreach and teach you about the very basics you need to know and recruit your other characters or players into the guild as needed.
Mentor Officers are here to work with you, quest with you, walk you through the basics of your character creation, equipment, skills, etc...
For more information about us, please visit our website Ludus of Argo, pop into our Discord or if you are on Argonnessen check the who tab and look for a Ludus of Argo member.
Guild Leader: Forebearer
Server: Argonnessen