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Thread: Ludus of Argo

  1. #1
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018

    Default Ludus of Argo

    Ludus: A school for training gladiators.

    Ludus of Argo is a new guild founded by old players to facilitate a need in DDO; We are a teaching guild here to help new and returning players get acquainted (or reacquainted) with the game.

    We saw a need to form the Ludus to aid new players to become successful and effective in DDO. The game has evolved and the players who have been playing for some time have already evolved with it. You can find a plethora of information on classes, races and more importantly, builds. However, we have so many expert players often the information being given is based on the fact that you are many lives into your character already.

    Ludus of Argo offers first life new or relatively new players a teaching guild to help you learn character building, character development, questing, dungeoneering, tactics and group synergy without being beholden. We want to help you along your way through your first life and once you are into your second life, move on to other guilds. Guilds that are more geared to helping you race through the rest of your lives. We will happily keep you within our guild, however our guild policy is second life characters at tenth level become mentors or they move on.

    We do not require you to leave Ludus entirely, you are welcome to keep any and all first life characters within the guild if you choose not to mentor, but we find it best to help new players on the most even footing we can have, so our officers tend to make first life characters that are level appropriate to help our new members learn the game. Around level 10 we try to get you partied into a "warband", this is usually led by a mentor that will be leading you into the harder content. We make every effort to keep our warbands balanced parties for best team synergy.

    We are an international guild having players in Berlin, Brazil, Poland, Norway, US and all over the time zones. We are small but growing quickly and absolutely patient with everyone.

    There is a lack of ranking within the guild system of DDO, therefore we have a ranking system on our website. Basically we have two officer positions: Mentor Officers and Recruitment Officers:

    Recruitment Officers are here to show you around the ship, show you around Stormreach and teach you about the very basics you need to know and recruit your other characters or players into the guild as needed.

    Mentor Officers are here to work with you, quest with you, walk you through the basics of your character creation, equipment, skills, etc...

    For more information about us, please visit our website Ludus of Argo, pop into our Discord or if you are on Argonnessen check the who tab and look for a Ludus of Argo member.

    Guild Leader: Forebearer
    Server: Argonnessen

  2. #2
    Community Member dennisck2's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    Super cool of you guys. I know where to send folks who seem to need help now. Thanks!
    Proud guild gimp of Synergia! Adults only. Bring beer. Pants optional.

  3. #3
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    Our Ludus of Argo Valentine's Day Raffle winners:

    1st Place: Chaoskitten, you've won a collapsed portable hole.
    2nd Place: Twiz, you've won a Medium collectable and gem bag.
    3rd place: Vferyian, you've won an extreme makeover hair dye.

    and our boobie prize goes to Pan, you will be blown up on Yaryar's ship in Irestone Inlet... we will be streaming that stuff live

    Hurling out winter contest begins today, February 15th, sign up to win your returning weapon of choice.

  4. #4
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018

    Default Virtual Table Top

    We have added a virtual table top group tab to our forums.

    If you also enjoy playing pen and paper RPG's, we have links and organizational tools to help players and GM's get groups together. Many of our guild members play pen and paper, so we created a broader network for our PnP players.

  5. #5
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Jul 2014


    I had a look at your site. Nice setup so far. I wish you all good luck with this. Great idea.

    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  6. #6
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018

    Default St. Patrick's Day raffle

    Our newest raffle brings you Black Dragons Scale armor and matching helm. Get to our site and sign up!

  7. #7
    Community Member atharis117's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    Is a cool idea, kinda reminds me a corporation on eve with a similar goal

    cheers on your project
    -------------------------------------------------------\As you wish\------------------------------------------------------

  8. #8
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by atharis117 View Post
    Is a cool idea, kinda reminds me a corporation on eve with a similar goal

    cheers on your project
    Thank you. We are having great success with the Ludus. New players biggest issues have been that the tool tips really aren't helping them understand the mechanics, character and class synergy and so on. So every new player we get, we make new characters to run with them and walk them through the process and explain the points that are confusing or the things they do not understand.

    Usually in a few hours they are pretty comfortable with the mechanics and once we get them to Harbor level we introduce them to reaper. Reaper was a big decision for us because we didn't want to frustrate new players, but reaper is here to stay and we didn't want them to, eventually, PUG and find themselves in reaper sans the tools to survive. So we run them through reaper, teach them to cross heal, swap aggro and stick and move when the reaper shows up. It has been very successful thus far and when they drop down to lower dif it is just so much easier for them.

    The challenge or reaper and the reality of just how hostile it is, makes them utilize tactics and team synergy and when they go off and solo on lower settings they employ the same caution and have very successful adventures.

    I am quite proud of the new players we have had the pleasure of introducing to the game. Although around level 8-10 they really don't need us so much, but they know we are always available to them for advice or just to fill a group for them. About the time they hit their first TR they have a very good handle on the game and really don't need us much at all other than advice on Tr'ing and how to build the best past lives they can.

    We always leave the door open for our players to move on to bigger faster paced guilds because we do not want to hold anyone back from focusing on their character and advancing at a pace that they will be happy with. A departure ding on our guild is no big deal, we aren't racing to 200 and we do not want to slow anyone down, but most of our members often want to turn around and help someone new the way we helped them and that makes us very happy because we are getting a new generation of players that are focused on building each other up rather than racing to Uber Elite.

  9. #9
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    We have many new members and is the way with LoA, we drag them into reaper because reaper is here to stay and they need to be ready for it. If/when they PUG, reaper is going to happen and LoA tries to get our members prepared for such things.

    Last night we received a returning player, 11 yr hiatus, and he rolled a brand new alchemist... we encourage our returning players to make new characters to reacquaint themselves with the new systems... and we had the good fortune to have some very skilled guild members online, so we threw caution to the wind, rolled up brand new characters to roll with Buttins and we smashed the harbor on R5.

    That may not seem like much of an accomplishment to veterans of the game, but my guild pride buttons are popping off my chest

    Of the six team members, we had one 2nd life character but too low level to slot any Reaper points and the rest were just too new first lives and didn't have any points. We employed tactics, controlled our mobs and played agro tag with the reapers. For most of our players this was their first time encountering a vengeance reaper and with some quick action from Buttons, we prevailed, took our fallen to the shrine and the next encounter with a vengeance reaper took a very different turn.

    Our second encounter with the vengeance reaper the team was prepared (I should have prefaced this with running high reaper on my main isn't unusual, I rarely run reaper casual on him) and hit him from all sides and angles. The V reaper just danced in a circle trying to decide on which player to agro on and then he turned his back on Orcone (Orc fighter) and that was his last mistake.

    We ran the majority of the harbor on R5, great team synergy and the Alchemist was our main and only healer. So I wanted to shout out to that LoA team and say "FREAKIN FANTASTIC JOB" last night and that LoA is very proud of how fluid our teams work together and the very fact that not one of them will "fear the reaper" again.

    Veteran success on high reaper is largely based on team synergy. Players watch the videos of high reaper and see the game from the perspective of the streamer. Many do not factor in that it isn't "a" steamer soloing the reaper content, they are part of team and that team is well built, well synergized and well coordinated in handling that content.

    Running reaper on a first life (no Reaper points) can be successful... very successful as you can see above. We were not inundated with advantages, we had the advantage of having low level ghost tough or ethereal items easily obtainable through borderlands and Gatekeepers saga (book of spirits). What allowed us to dominate R5 was the use of tactics (which we posted a review of the run on our website), communication and team synergy.

    For you first life players out there wanting the challenge of reaper I have a short list for your success:

    Borderlands will allow you to make a ghost touch weapon of your choice.
    Gatekeepers saga (housekeeping) drops the "book of spirits".
    One of the best premium packages you can buy (best $10 you can spend) is the catacombs starter pack. It also drops ghost touch and death block items for very low level character.
    A good team.
    Good use of tactics; chock points, kiting agro, etc...

    Have the gear for reaper, have the team for reaper and go reap the rewards of your triumphs

  10. #10
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    Alrighty, our latest raffle winners are:

    1st place: Chaos Kitten, 20 black dragon scales and the helm of the black dragon.
    2nd place: Bareley Tame, Ring of Feathers.
    3rd place: SirTrav, extreme make over hair dye.

    Congrats everyone and don't miss the "no foolin" give away this month to win a muck doom, muck bane or an extreme makeover hair dye.

  11. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Is this guild still recruiting? It's pretty close to what I'm looking for I think.

  12. #12
    Community Member Uralte's Avatar
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    Apr 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by TherumancerX View Post
    Is this guild still recruiting? It's pretty close to what I'm looking for I think.
    Yes. Sorry, we have been in hardcore and it is a terrible time of the year to hold the season. Spring/summer has many of us very busy and what time we had to play, we spent on hardcore. Hopefully next season will be in the winter when our time demands aren't near as high and we can divide our time among Argo and Hardcore more effectively.

    Just look over the "who" and give a shout to any Ludus of Argo and we will happily bring you in.

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