G'day all, Coit here with another video of one of my gimps doing his thing.

I've always loved playing Bard's, and having recently revamped one of my old characters to a more recent fun Bard build and thought I'd put up a video of him in action.

This character is wearing a 7 piece Feywild Summer set, and some assorted bits and bobs from Sharn.

He's a third life character (1 fighter, 1 barbarian previous), without any racial or epic past lives, and just a few epic destinies filled out, but talk about bang for buck!

The sound issues I've had with previous videos has been sorted, and I think I'll put up a version of this at a later date with a voice over explaining the build, gearset and playstyle if anyone is interested.

Have a good one everyone, Coit out
