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  1. #1
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    Default Have Radiant Servant Cure Focus (T5) Reduce Reaper Penalty for Self-Healing

    Healers are the lynchpin of the classic division of labor still at the core of D&D RPGs.

    However, in higher reaper levels, even dedicated healers can become dependent on other players for healing. This should not be the case.

    Players within a (static) party with a dedicated healer should not need to worry as much about feats, enhancements, gear, or twists that allow them to heal other players. Instead, each player should be able to focus more on their role to optimize team play.

    One possible solution: have the Radiant Servant Cure Focus (T5) Enhancement reduce the reaper penalty for self-healing based on the number of cleric levels.

  2. #2
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    I guess the counterpoint would be that part of being a dedicated healer is avoiding aggro/damage in the first place (and also why groups would want a proper tank), so you shouldnt need excessive self-heals...

    Of course that's probably not a realistic expectation in high-end reaper play given AOE and wonky mob AI, so yeah I'll support any measure that reduces the self-heal penalty as an arbitrary obstacle in Reaper mode.

  3. #3
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    The chances of anything reaper specific being included in class enhancement trees are slim to none. Especially something that removes part of the increased difficulty of reaper.
    Last edited by Epicsoul; 01-27-2021 at 04:39 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by savingsoul View Post
    However, in higher reaper levels, even dedicated healers can become dependent on other players for healing. This should not be the case.
    Tbh, I never faced problems with self-heal with my first-lifer raid healer, who occasionally joins high reaper. Of course, I need several heals in r10, but up to r5, my close wounds is enough to keep myself healthy, and above, I prefer SLA and spell Heal for myself (close wounds is enough for most other characters). Actually looking for ways to increase your healing amp and positive spellpower is the key here.

    Of course, the line of what a "healer" is, is rather blurry. For my pure FVS raid-healer (as I wanted a standing 30th level character for raids, and not farm PLs to be effective), I put my resources into two things: Heals and survivability. I see a ton of healers, that also tank and nuke, which is an absolutely valid style, but works better in certain environments than others. For legendary raids, they tend to be the ppl, who works harder than I, who basically just do melee for occasional healing smites, but without any punch. When I drop alone in a room in Killing Time and it's not Pit, expect me to miss out half to all of the raid. I do think, I do what I'm supposed to do with my healer, but I know exactly what I can't do what other healers can.

    However, I have a blast at high reaper, which these hybrid-healers may struggle with because they don't focus as much. I avoid melee other than healing smites, throw my closes like crazy, and keep people alive, while knowing how not to attract enemies by placement and knowledge of the quests, which are key elements for the successful reaper experience. It's supposed to be the "Dungeon tries to kill you"-setting (as in the description), not the "slightly more inconvenient than elite"-setting, and it feels good to have put together a viable healer for it, because I spend time to experiment with points, playstyle, and such.

    Would be strange to have the reaper-environment, which changes a lot of what works for every class, and not have healers adapt to not only heal their party, but to use and farm gear and thought how they can take care of themselves as well, and make it much easier for their mates to be taken care of, because suddenly the cocoon from that rogue heals you swiftly.

  5. #5
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandjed View Post
    Tbh, I never faced problems with self-heal with my first-lifer raid healer, who occasionally joins high reaper.
    Same here. I have a 1st-life dedicated healbot that can self-heal even in R10. Meanwhile, my primarily-a-caster-but-can-also-heal tops out at about R8 for self-healing, and needs outside healing in R10.

    So, I don't think it's really needed, and even if it was, I don't think it should be only for Clerics.

    One approach that would not introduce Reaper-specific enhancements into normal enhancement trees, which would be a bad idea, would just be a big bonus to healing amplification.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Same here. I have a 1st-life dedicated healbot that can self-heal even in R10. Meanwhile, my primarily-a-caster-but-can-also-heal tops out at about R8 for self-healing, and needs outside healing in R10.

    So, I don't think it's really needed, and even if it was, I don't think it should be only for Clerics.
    Most of my experience is with clerics with small dips into other classes, but they have used Radiant Servant as their main tree.

    I also do not want this type of update to bleed into other classes because it would just become the "everybody heals" type of scenario that there currently is, which undermines the role of the dedicated healer that IIRC reaper was supposed to bring back.

    Since a first-life dedicated healbot can self-heal in R10, I agree that this update is probably unnecessary.
    Last edited by savingsoul; 01-28-2021 at 03:56 PM.

  7. #7
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by savingsoul View Post
    I also do not want this type of update to bleed into other classes because it would just become the "everybody heals" type of scenario that there currently is, which undermines the role of the dedicated healer that IIRC reaper was supposed to bring back.
    There's a whole lot of space between "everybody" and only Clerics. Druids get more healing spells than Clerics do. Favored Souls get access to the same healing spells Clerics do, and a healing enhancement tree.

    Meanwhile, Artificers and Alchemists get mass heals starting at level 1, with Alchemists having a healing enhancement tree and the most powerful heals in the game. And I doubt the dedicated Bard healers would appreciate being left out.

    Quote Originally Posted by savingsoul View Post
    Most of my experience is with clerics with small dips into other classes, but they have used Radiant Servant as their main tree.
    I'm familiar with Clerics; my main is an ex-Cleric.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

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