This has been a long time coming.
Soul crushing lag has been the biggest issue with KT since we started pushing skulls nearly a year ago. Lag is still an issue in KT today with spells not landing and people falling through air jets. We got lucky with lag. This was only the second time we were able to make it to the LOB phase.
Raid Composition:
2 barbarian tanks with Visage. Beefcake HP and hamp, with Visage to help with adds.
4 healers: Traditional fvs build, fvs with Divine Intervention as a counter to lag on the tank as well as our DC sorc, cleric with T5 Falconry for Death from Above on shielded parasites, and druid for awesome hots and kiter for ToD and LOB phase. Two healers stayed out with the Korkaza tank, and two healers went into the rifts.
1 DC sorc. It's so good, it's been dubbed "The Unfair Build".
1 pure Artificer. Never thought I would type those words in the context of an R10 raid completion. Mass Unbreakable Forcefield capstone, T5 Unbreakable Forcefield, positive energy infusion since Toven's cookies were nerfed, twisted Crusade, and applied some weapon debuffs. Terrible melee DPS.
4 DPS: One traditional Horc FB Barb with Baz, 2 Aasimar T5 Occult Slayer for max HP with Tail and 15 Rogue/5 Paladin using Pain/Suffering in Shadowdancer. Pure Paladins were getting wrecked in our prior R10 attempts (not enough HP), so we transitioned over to barbarians. Ironically Jennafer had the fewest deaths, even though he had the lowest HP out of us thanks to evasion during LOB (blade barrier hitting for 2900 with multiple death penalties were one-shotting the barbs). Also, let that sink in for a second: Only 4 DPS for an R10 raid.
Combined, there were 1614 reaper points in the raid party (134 per person avg). Every HP mattered.
Tactics: Dealing with champion adds is 90% of this raid.
Six of us had Stand and Be Judged twisted. This was essential to keeping adds locked down until they could be killed. Twisting this in was the single largest improvement we had when dealing with the adds. And for those unfamiliar, KT adds can spawn as champions. Champions will easily one-shot the beefiest of builds.
When waves of mobs spawned, we rotated using Mass Unbreakable Forcefield on the first wave, everyone used Meld into Darkness on the second wave, and then personal resources on the third wave (Radiant Forcefield clickies/pots, LD Thick Skin, Improved Uncanny Dodge, etc).