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Thread: Addons/Meters

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  1. #1
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    Default Addons/Meters

    Would it be possible to have addons in ddo? Similar to wow. (I know im gonna get some hate for this) But to have a DPS meter of you and your party would be really beneficial to see how you stack up in that R10 quest/raid. (While kills can help represent ones DPS, they are not always accurate to ones damage.)

    I know dozens of people who'd be willing to pay for a higher tier of VIP if options were made.

  2. #2
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    Horrible idea. DDO is filled with elitist jerks who think they're better than everyone else and you give the a meter to "prove" it? That would destroy the game faster than anything before.

    Why is it a problem? The cleric doesn't do DPS, maybe the Favored soul stopped DPS and started healing because the "tank" was gimp. The Sorc who only does CC has no DPS.

    How do you account for the wizard who does instakills? Does he get credit for all the remaining hit points? It doesn't work that way in the combat logs. An instakill has 0 DPS.

    So the party "leader" blacklists most of these people because they suck at DPS and ******* at the cleric for not throwing harm or ass inflict spells and the elitist jerks get more elitist until the game turns to WOW and we all quit because if we wanted to play WOW we wouldn't be playing DDO.

  3. #3
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    Having a DPS meter for yourself can help you improve and test your damage. Having a DPS meter measuring everyone in the group is a sure way to alienate most of them.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_kain View Post
    Having a DPS meter for yourself can help you improve and test your damage. Having a DPS meter measuring everyone in the group is a sure way to alienate most of them.
    Having a way to turn it on and off would be a cool idea.

    Also could run the addon as % ver total party to see how far the gap is.

  5. #5
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    The point is, no matter how you implement it, it will abused in ways that negatively impact the social aspects of the game.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by red_kain View Post
    The point is, no matter how you implement it, it will abused in ways that negatively impact the social aspects of the game.
    Itd also make more plainly balance changes need to be made. And itd make the game more competetive. (If we ever get to a larger player base, which i understand is unlikely)

  7. #7
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    The party leader shouldn't complain about healers or isntakillers not doing any dps. If they do they are morons.

    Me saying I want to see how my DPS adds up live compared to others isnt turning it into wow. I could just wait for lamania to try some new uber cookie cutter build, but thats annoying.

    Itd just be an easier how to see group performance, and how noticeable debuffs affect bosses. If im an alchemist debuffing a boss, shouldnt it feel good seeing DPS builds pown that R10 doom reaper?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nammmmmmm View Post
    The party leader shouldn't complain about healers or isntakillers not doing any dps. If they do they are morons.
    Which the game is full of.

    Quote Originally Posted by red_kain
    The point is, no matter how you implement it, it will abused in ways that negatively impact the social aspects of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nammmmmmm
    Itd also make more plainly balance changes need to be made. And itd make the game more competetive. (If we ever get to a larger player base, which i understand is unlikely)
    There is no balance in DDO and there never will be, so this makes no sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone
    Lies and you know it but don't want to admit it. You've been around long enough to know it would kill the game due to abuse. Do you not remember the days of forcing pugs to link metalline weapons or you reject them from Shroud or VoD runs? Same thing, bigger scale.

    Quote Originally Posted by droid327
    Thats exactly why its a BAD idea. Competition breeds elitism, e-peenery, and general toxicity. DDO is supposed to be supportive, not competitive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stravix
    hard disagree. As a tank, how can you tell if you should invest in extra threat? .
    Because that metric is already on the character sheet or can be easily figured out by adding basic numbers.

    Overall, SSG needs to implement the test dojo from Lamannia into a ship amenity. This would essentially resolve the issue and give everyone a method of measure without attempting to destroy the community.

  9. #9
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsE View Post
    Because that metric is already on the character sheet or can be easily figured out by adding basic numbers.

    Overall, SSG needs to implement the test dojo from Lamannia into a ship amenity. This would essentially resolve the issue and give everyone a method of measure without attempting to destroy the community.
    No, while %threat is on the character sheet, how much threat you are actually generating, vs the threat of others is not. As such, it is very hard to determine if you have gone overboard on it, and as such can sacrifice some of it to gain other benefits.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsE View Post
    Because that metric is already on the character sheet or can be easily figured out by adding basic numbers.
    If only the game was that simple. Threat is generated from attacks as well (like Celestial Mandate), and tanks have some of the worst to-hit in the game. Good luck calculating threat-gen on the fly. Also, it's about comparing the threat generated compared to the highest DPS in the group/raid in realtime to determine if the tank and the DPS can actually do their jobs effectively. Raids are painful when tanks aren't generating enough threat, and the boss keeps flipping on DPS. DDO provides insufficient real-time feedback to players.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsE View Post
    There is no balance in DDO and there never will be, so this makes no sense.
    to never be balanced? I love your optimism.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsE View Post
    Overall, SSG needs to implement the test dojo from Lamannia into a ship amenity. This would essentially resolve the issue and give everyone a method of measure without attempting to destroy the community.
    People would be forced to communicate and figure out how to solve their solutions together. Which would help the community. But for the RPers who arent interested in seeing any numbers, or put any effort into improve themselves? Sure. I dont wanna run with them anyways. (for the most part)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobril View Post
    Oh man, having something like WeakAuras from WoW would be amazing...

    Even just being able to adjust how buffs and debuffs are displayed would be sweet.
    As far as debuffing goes, id be satisfied if when you examine the mob the debuffs can be more easily examined. Instead each time it refreshes it moves around to the front. So unless you stop everybody doing anything, you cant read it fast enough. (they should make them refresh within the same "block")

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stravix View Post
    hard disagree. As a tank, how can you tell if you should invest in extra threat? being able to see threat generation relative to other players is an amazing way to fine tune a build. If i am holding agro, but don't know if i need that extra threatgen, there is no way to determine if i could be doing something else with that "overcapped' threatgen.
    Well, the obvious way - if you reduce your threat gen and you start losing aggro, then you need it.

    Besides, even if it gave you a metric, how would you know how much is "enough"? You'd still have to subjectively determine what number corresponded with losing aggro when playing with a particular group. And you already know your threat gen %, so ultimately you'd just be calibrating a redundant metric to that.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsE View Post
    Horrible idea. DDO is filled with elitist jerks who think they're better than everyone else and you give the a meter to "prove" it? That would destroy the game faster than anything before.

    Healing/threat/damage meters provides immediate feedback to players to let them know how they are performing. There are plenty of builds that look excellent on paper or in a character planner, but in reality they are horrible once the rubber meets the road. The vast majority of players in this game do not have an objective viewpoint when it comes to what they think they are contributing to a group or raid, whether it be healing throughout, holding aggro, or DPS. DDO is a math driven game under the hood, yet players have no insight into that unless they're part of the very small quant community. Number of kills is the only feedback players get during a quest, and it's simply not enough.

    Meters and the analysis websites that accompany them also provide insight into why a group/raid failed. Trying to push skulls on your favorite raid, but don't understand why your tank keeps dying? Healing and damage-taken data are invaluable for figuring that out. The combat log is simply insufficient to figure that out -- it doesn't even have time stamps.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nammmmmmm View Post
    IAnd itd make the game more competetive.
    Thats exactly why its a BAD idea. Competition breeds elitism, e-peenery, and general toxicity. DDO is supposed to be supportive, not competitive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    Healing/threat/damage meters provides immediate feedback to players to let them know how they are performing. There are plenty of builds that look excellent on paper or in a character planner, but in reality they are horrible once the rubber meets the road.
    Counterpoint...the only metric that really matters is one you dont need a meter for, and that's "are you actually completing quests at the level you want to, and how easy does it feel?" That's where the rubber meets the road, ultimately.

    If you need a meter to know you're bad, if its not subjectively apparently just by playing...are you actually that bad?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Thats exactly why its a BAD idea. Competition breeds elitism, e-peenery, and general toxicity. DDO is supposed to be supportive, not competitive.

    Counterpoint...the only metric that really matters is one you dont need a meter for, and that's "are you actually completing quests at the level you want to, and how easy does it feel?" That's where the rubber meets the road, ultimately.

    If you need a meter to know you're bad, if its not subjectively apparently just by playing...are you actually that bad?
    hard disagree. As a tank, how can you tell if you should invest in extra threat? being able to see threat generation relative to other players is an amazing way to fine tune a build. If i am holding agro, but don't know if i need that extra threatgen, there is no way to determine if i could be doing something else with that "overcapped' threatgen.

    Would you say every MMO is elitist because you can actually see what you are doing relative to everyone else? So why would that apply here?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post

    Healing/threat/damage meters provides immediate feedback to players to let them know how they are performing. There are plenty of builds that look excellent on paper or in a character planner, but in reality they are horrible once the rubber meets the road. The vast majority of players in this game do not have an objective viewpoint when it comes to what they think they are contributing to a group or raid, whether it be healing throughout, holding aggro, or DPS. DDO is a math driven game under the hood, yet players have no insight into that unless they're part of the very small quant community. Number of kills is the only feedback players get during a quest, and it's simply not enough.

    Meters and the analysis websites that accompany them also provide insight into why a group/raid failed. Trying to push skulls on your favorite raid, but don't understand why your tank keeps dying? Healing and damage-taken data are invaluable for figuring that out. The combat log is simply insufficient to figure that out -- it doesn't even have time stamps.

    Agree 100%

    If I may add on,

    Meters and analysis tools help with:

    What order do I use short term boosts and abilities?
    What gearset is performing better?
    Am I missing activations?
    Is my threat too high/low?
    Do I miss to many attacks/spells and need to adjust?

    RE: Elitisim

    I saw a small rise in this behavior when HP totals were changed from private to public.

    What I also saw then was people helping out that 150 HP sorc who just did their first shroud.

    There's also been a surge in new/returning players. I've seen a healthy amount of loot runs, basic build/gear discussions, and general helpfulness in various communities.

    I've found the DDO population is more positive and helpful than not when discussing build/performance opportunities.
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