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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2015

    Default Active Iconic PL stance for Paladin?

    What active iconic PL stance do you prefer for Paladins? My thoughts:

    Aasimar scourge - 3% double strike. Decent but probably won't notice it.
    Bladeforged - 30 Repair spell power. Useless unless you're Bladeforged.
    Deep Gnome - +3 illusion DCs and 15 Acid spell power. For GCS builds.
    PDK Knight - Rally boost. Big negative is duration is small compared to the permanent buffs other stances provide.
    Shifter - +3 damage with melee weapons. Good, maybe best in my opinion. Paired with monk that's +6 damage which is noticeable. Downside is you have to do shifter lives.
    Shadar-kai - some weird displacement proc. I don't know, I've never understood this PL stance. Seems highly situational.
    Sun Elf - 30 light, 30 good spell power. Useless.
    Tiefling scoundrel - 30% striding. Removes the need to use expeditious retreat clickies so more of a quality of life thing.

    My top 3 would be:

    1. Shifter - seems the best most consistent advantage
    2. Aasimar scourge - at least you are getting double strike but I'd put shifter clearly ahead here
    3. ? PDK for the party boost?

    I am Awesomesauce!

  2. #2
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    What active iconic PL stance do you prefer for Paladins? My thoughts:

    Aasimar scourge - 3% double strike. Decent but probably won't notice it.
    Bladeforged - 30 Repair spell power. Useless unless you're Bladeforged.
    Deep Gnome - +3 illusion DCs and 15 Acid spell power. For GCS builds.
    PDK Knight - Rally boost. Big negative is duration is small compared to the permanent buffs other stances provide.
    Shifter - +3 damage with melee weapons. Good, maybe best in my opinion. Paired with monk that's +6 damage which is noticeable. Downside is you have to do shifter lives.
    Shadar-kai - some weird displacement proc. I don't know, I've never understood this PL stance. Seems highly situational.
    Sun Elf - 30 light, 30 good spell power. Useless.
    Tiefling scoundrel - 30% striding. Removes the need to use expeditious retreat clickies so more of a quality of life thing.

    My top 3 would be:

    1. Shifter - seems the best most consistent advantage
    2. Aasimar scourge - at least you are getting double strike but I'd put shifter clearly ahead here
    3. ? PDK for the party boost?
    Shifter probably (does this work, have heard it doesn’t. Just starting my shifter lives now), then aasimar, with pdk being a clickie.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    PDK isnt a stance but a clicky. Use it to run faster for a short while. While you have the run speed boost your iconic stance is not working but as soon as the run speed buff wears off your stance is working as well.

    So, PDK is a supplemantary effect which does not really prevent you from using one of the others as your actual stance.

    I am using the Shadar-Kai stance but then I mostly play casters.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

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