Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
Ahh, didn't know that was available until now. It wasn't available when people were giving their opinions initially and I started this post so it was confusing, as several times when I looked and played within cap populations recently I saw more alchemists and paladins.
It makes me wonder what current populations are, now that time has passed for shifter iconic past lives since that is a 3 month average. Using that as the metric for balancing end game is crystal clear. Nerf warlocks. Hah! Anyone can understand that as a point of view. They should just lead with that next time.
PS: That's a joke. End game is a varied opinion of activities, which are measured in varied ways based on the opinion of the person defining them. It is a totally real and valid opinion to hold that only the activities you deem important measured in ways you deem proper matter. It's not as straight forward as simply "Nerf warlocks!" Except, of course, to those who hold the totally real and valid opinion to do so.
Last edited by Tilomere; 02-24-2021 at 10:09 AM.
He is indeed cherrypicking numbers to the degree that anyone who has finished introductory math should have all warning bells ringing from the word "hello!". Sadly, it seems the devs actually listened to this dude. They might have said at some point that swash is supposed to be what they are to balance things around, but then they need to balance mobs around that too, and they clearly dont do that. Swash was considerably better when comparing ONLY to mobs before, so they are clearly balancing the mobs to something else than swash.
The nerfs to alch (sorc) now make them literally impossible to play in heroic, at least solo and thats all that makes this game worth playing in heroics to me (hate zerg, all groups are zerg). I hope this dude either leaves the game forever or at least never makes his voice heard again, cause the devs clearly arent capable of siphoning away the loudmouthes who dont represent the rest. If you consider SP usage as part of power, alchs where reduced by 75 percent. If u dont consider sp usage, then only 51 percent. Thats obviously (from before seeing it in action) too much in one go, and what we see now only confirms that.
EDIT: I agree with the rest of your post too, though SOME considerations should be done to balance in heroic too, though not as much. At least stuff useful at endgame shouldnt be totally unplayable while leveling, cause it will lead to us having fewer of those in endgame,, and potentially people quitting.
Last edited by gudal84; 02-27-2021 at 08:59 AM.
Agree multivial was a bit on the cheap side before, but... When using level 9 spell equivalents that costs a LOT of sp yes u need to be able to oneshot many people at once to make the spell even remotely worth casting. And no, its is not an option leaving them on 10% hp to let the melee finish them off, cause many of us dont group in heroics cause we dont want too (too much zerg/too many people thinking only in terms of xp/min, too little "ok ill show u how this quest works", etc). The SP cost is too significant,, and i think if we are to balance things in heroics we cant balance around those who have all SP past lives, uptodate wizardry gear, etc. We need to balance elite/r1 around a 3rd-10th life solo, or else we are gonna push away newer players before they get invested into the game.
Edit: And the damage numbers u are referring to here is WAAAY over anything i have ever been able to hit in actual questing at that level, and thats with comparable stats to yours (in the picture). And the damage stats u post for melees more aligned to what i can hit in quests with those builds. Do u compare inquest numbers for melees with test dummy numbers for casters here? Not to mention that the spell has a cost, the swash swing does not (assuming we dont count necessary heals that comes from being melee)
Last edited by gudal84; 02-27-2021 at 11:03 AM.
Should Sorcs and Alcs AoE 1 shot groups of mobs while leveling ?
Sure thing, they should ! They are Sorcerers and Alchemists !
It's still a D&D-based game. Some classes should do medium damage but can control monsters, some should do no damage like at all but can disarm traps and some classes should use AOE to one-shot groups of 1000+ enemies !
There is no and can't be any "balance" neither in the PnP nor in CRPG. Every "balance" talks are just rubbish and should never have started.
PS. Even a pure PvP games don't have a complete balance, what have you expect from a role-driven PvE game ?!
I don't know if you're familiar with the OP in the thread, but he's been the laughingstock of every DDO social scene I've been in since I really got into making my own builds. He performs suspect math on his numbers, he recommends going out of your way to make your build more difficult, and then he cherrypicks his screenshots in an attempt to make his builds look good. Back in the day, when Holy Sword could be put on a repeater and traded to a party member, he incorrectly treated the 3 individual bolts as tripling the crit multiplier instead of just tripling the average damage. Anyone with even a basic grasp of math can see the errors here. Since then he's espoused taking Tier 5 in Tempest (a TWF tree) as a THF character, he's claimed that leveling 20 to 30 doing legendary R4-6 is faster reaper XP than just zerging to cap and joining R10 dailies, and just in general his advice and his outlook on the game is best taken with a grain of salt and a belly-laugh that somebody actually thinks that way.
The problem is, that people tend to play ONLY unbelanced power classes !
Who needs a Rogue when he can 1-shot everything in a speedrun ?
Who needs a Rogue if one can show how good he is by making everyone feel unneeded ?
Making others feel less powerful is in my opinion part of the current system of proving to be manly. The more powerful someone is, the more manly he is considered - even on the expense of others 8which is often an desired outcome ! To make other players feel inferior !).
I can't, with my Dyscalculia.
"You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"
The game is designed around achievements/power so the quicker the better. If you have only one hour a day to keep your character raid ready and to be able to contribute in a raid on the most run difficulty you got to gain power quick.
There is nothing manly about playing a video game so do not worry, not being able to one-shot everything in a video game does not make you not manly. Most of the one shotting gamers are really not that powerful in real life.
"I can instakill a raid boss with my great axe on my half-orc." Is possibly one of the worst pick-up lines ever.
Last edited by kanordog; 03-12-2021 at 05:12 AM.
You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
Thank You!
I have still yet to hear a compelling explanation of why it is that squishy kill-fast-or-die no-armor-wearing classes had to be toned down to make their DPS in-line with heavy and medium armor users with better defenses and self-heals. I got done playing through my first alchemist life before the patch went live, i felt it was strong, but not mind-blowingly overpowered. certainly not to the point that it needed to have its top end nerfed by ~50%. personally i found alchemist kind of a boring archetype, some kind of sorc/wiz hybrid that had narrower spell options. now that it got nerfed into the basement i wouldn't even bother, it will be dead last on my list of PL's to finish up
i enjoy running wizard lives though, and it's disappointing to hear the key wizard/sorc spell got nerfed heavily.
that's a good theory. but, if i understand correctly, the point being made was simply that less than 20% of all players are at cap. at any given time. adding together all the players who are still "leveling" you end up with a clear picture. 80% or more, of all players, across every server, are somewhere in the TR wheel. therefore, any "balance" concentrated at level 30+ content misses the vast majority of those actually playing the game.
if elemental spell damage one-shots everything during levels 1-29, and then abruptly stops being as useful, it affects over 80% of all players in a negative way. if the reverse were true, and sorcs and alchemists were super OP at 30, it would have less of an overall impact.
i killed the crab in WPM on r10 using an alchemist build. i was running solo and kept getting my face pushed in by that crab. seriously strong crab, seriously squishy alchemist. after wiping at the crab, maybe 6 or 7 times, i decided i would just "practice" upping skulls until i found my limit. i started on r3. easy. r5, he hurt but it was doable. r7 i died, kept dying. but... i noticed something. if i wasn't facing the crab, i could still throw out my spell rotation. it clicked, and i got the r7 completion. then i tried r10. sure enough, all i had to do was run in a circle, about 5 character lengths from the outer wall, with the crab hard targeted. i never stopped running, never even looked at it, just ran in a circle constantly firing. sometimes, when a pincer flashed into view near the side of the screen, i would hit memory of flight or fly-by attack. it took a long time, but he went down without ever hitting me.
after that, i started using the same tactic in every quest. run past the things, target one, blow them all to khyber without slowing down or turning to watch. keep your eyes on the prize whilst everything dies. alchemist. tsk.
I'm going to dodge the whole "should/balance" issue and come at this from a different angle: PnP D&D. In actual D&D, your spell casters are 100% useless almost all the time. They're towed about, protected, and tolerated so they can unleash all hell on things very quickly for a very few critical fights.
Casters wiping out entire groups with a single cast is basically de rigueur for D&D. What's not normal for D&D is that they can do this over and over for an entire dungeon.
Most of PnP is filled with RP, which every player engages in regardless of the character's actions on the table. That degree of RP never happens in an MMO. There has to be something for every class to do in every fight. DDO recognizes that the D&D/PnP norm for casters is simply not fun in an MMO and thus created SP to permit casters to be part of the mix.
What we have here is not a balance issue. It's a paradigm war between MMO and D&D. Balance is collateral damage.
Last edited by Tilomere; 08-23-2022 at 03:50 PM.
Yes, yes they should,
Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.
For example, in pen&paper at low levels all casters should be using missile weapons. At higher levels they could use spell to become equals to fighers and to go melee. The spells in all levels should be used to defeat tough enemies in difficult situations. They are life savers in some situations and temporal artillery from time to time (but not always specially taking into account that in pen&paper and in most d&d games there is friendly fire. Because there is no friendly fire casters are super powerful gods. Of course it does not that help that in ddo online they can use spells without using mana and worse yet that mana is never depleted no matter how long is the dungeon. ) Paladins have this dynamic too but can be melee and have not aoe nor 1-shot except for undead. They don't use divine spells constantly. They choose to use them at the most difficult moment. Not sure why all melees should never have fun but casters should have fun always.
That's how it is in ddo. Mantaining the right mouse button is neither fun and is what most melee players need to do. Not much difference than it would be if casters were like in pen&paper. I bet if casters were using missile weapons and not using lasers every second they would kill as much as fighters.
Currently in ddo nor even traps are needed to be disarmed for casters (all types of casters except paladins). In hc right now... lol. I am a paladin and I only follow my group. Nor even against undead my class is useful. Casters wipe undead in one-two shots. Even whole rooms of enemies are one shooted. Most casters are gods therefore I need to be careful and not to do what they do. They walk pass through traps unharmed while I get 40-80% of my hp gone. They don't tell people if there is a trap. They don't need a trapper. They also have as much hitpoints as a pure melee fighter.
Casters play as people play all classes in the mmorpg Neverwinter. But at least in Neverwinter you do try to dodge things manually. In ddo casters don't need to do that. Their attacks have a long range and no enemies are ever able to reach them. Of course at the rare ocassion this happens... they barely ever get damaged even if they are pure casters and wear robes. Shrugs.
At least ddo developers should consider to make sure that caster would need to rest in a shrine in the longest dungeons but right now... casters don't need to refill mana. That blue bar is just a cosmetic thing.
Last edited by Hanul; 08-20-2022 at 11:19 PM.
Isnt that sad that we need that many bank mules? We are way past the point of no more bank space, and they are still putting out content with new items.. those items have no place to go... Wish they would get to work on overhauling bank space so we dont have to have a full roster of bank mules.
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I'm just going to multiquote and leave this as the single response to everything:
This is wrong, see hardcore stats now in OP or a few posts up, even post nerf.
Last edited by Tilomere; 08-21-2022 at 01:31 PM.
You are useless because you are currently playing behind the casters. A good melee character gets the initial agression and stacks the npcs to be AE down.
In what world do.casters not have to worry about traps? Sure, some traps can be timed but if I'm playing a caster I am not just "running" through traps.
If the casters have more hps than you as a melee I would highly suggest reevaluating your build.
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