Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
This whole thread comes across as "I want free stuff on a character because I spent time and energy on another character." If you want RXP on a character, then run that character through reapers. Just like if you want a past life on a character, you do the past life on that character. You get out of this game what you put into it.

The best way to gain RXP is through a static group. Find other people with the same goals as you, who play at the same time as you, who share a similar mindset. You can easily get reaper wings just doing low-skull racial past lives as Frets and VooduSpyce have shared in detail on YouTube. Community is the answer.
I'm in my sixties.

No way can I run 49 toons through lots of reapers.

No way I can run 49 toons through multiple past lives.

I play quite a lot but gearing and advancing 49 toons is more work than I can be arsed to put in for a game.

Can I easily get wings on 49 toons before I die?