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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    This whole thread comes across as "I want free stuff on a character because I spent time and energy on another character." If you want RXP on a character, then run that character through reapers. Just like if you want a past life on a character, you do the past life on that character. You get out of this game what you put into it.

    The best way to gain RXP is through a static group. Find other people with the same goals as you, who play at the same time as you, who share a similar mindset. You can easily get reaper wings just doing low-skull racial past lives as Frets and VooduSpyce have shared in detail on YouTube. Community is the answer.
    I'm in my sixties.

    No way can I run 49 toons through lots of reapers.

    No way I can run 49 toons through multiple past lives.

    I play quite a lot but gearing and advancing 49 toons is more work than I can be arsed to put in for a game.

    Can I easily get wings on 49 toons before I die?
    He left the name, at which the world grew pale.

  2. #42
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacka_DDO View Post
    Indeed at this point, everyone who wants to argue fair and rational has to admit that it is a matter of your opinion where the "personality" of your character starts.
    But in my opinion, it is more rational to see the past lives and reaper experience progression as a reward for the PLAYER and not for each character.
    Because the player does in fact play and the character only represents the player and obviously doesn't play itself!
    And for this reason, it is not a "horrible idea" at all you are just only afraid of something you dont understand (yet).
    DDO is a game and this rule change would be not less "logical" than the whole reincarnation and reaper experience system in DDO!
    I played a game called Star Wars the old republic primarily for going through each storyline once. There were some things that were strictly character-based, but there was another mechanic that was account-based. They also had things you could do only once per character daily and weekly. They had "legacy xp" that was shared across the account.

    I think going back and revisiting old systems might be out-of-scope for SSG, but I hope as they are developing some new mechanics for levels above 30 that they consider systems like this because many players want to play multiple characters but don't due to the reward structure in DDO. Not only would it be something players enjoy, but it would be profitable for SSG to have people spending money on more than one character. As a side benefit players that currently play just one character now have an incentive to play more (and most of them say it's no big deal to play alts) which ends the complaints such as having nothing to do after farming feywild and getting 3 shifter lifes. If having strong alts matters there is always something to do.

    Assuming the new system is the strongest (as past trends indicate), this would be a great time to start working on alts if the game systems supported alts better.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by donblas View Post
    No way can I run 49 toons through lots of reapers.

    No way I can run 49 toons through multiple past lives.

    I play quite a lot but gearing and advancing 49 toons is more work than I can be arsed to put in for a game.
    You're complaining about your own decision to go wide instead of going deep. If you're not happy with your decision, then change your goals. Go deep with one or two toons. Get those past lives, and the RXP. Enjoy the journey.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  4. #44
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    That still incentivizes running on one character to reach those thresholds. I think the point of such a suggestion is to encourage running alts.

    There is easily enough to do on each individual character with just the reincarnation systems, so those can be left character based.

    Each time a suggestion comes up to have other systems than the reincarnation systems be account progression, people think there needs to be some sort of penalty, which defeats the purpose, as it makes it even slower to earn it than it already is.
    Ok. So what encourages people to run alts? What incentives should be in place that players receive because they play more alts?
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  5. #45
    Community Member timmy9999's Avatar
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    If you can't play an alt you need to rethink if this game is really for you. I can't even be bothered reading the post!!! I just got a new player 56 reaper points in a few weeks. He been running r10 at cap no problems healing as a cleric, insta killing etc. Get off the forums with the tears and put some effort in.

  6. #46
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Ok. So what encourages people to run alts? What incentives should be in place that players receive because they play more alts?
    the lack of reaper points make a lot of people feel to be locked out of reaper. it does not matter if it is true or not, that's not what is or should be discussed here, let's ignore it, my point is how it is perceived, linked with sales.

    for some players reaper grind will seem more acceptable and more rewarding and they'll get more into it + they'll have the feeling their alts are not locked out anymore --> some players will grind actually more if they perceive that you have to grind less and may start using more alts and tr maybe the alts cause it's still needed for single char progression + need to gear them ----> more sales from tomes of any sort and pots and chest rerolls, also any account wide powerup will be perceived as more valuable. also consider the potential cosmetics&pets cash, undervalued in ddo development.

    in my perspective and for how i play, it changes nothing if reaper exp is per char or per account, but the recurring "encourage alt play", surely nice for those who love alts, imho is first and foremost, from a company perspective, a matter of getting more cash and i'm surprised it was never addressed.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm much more willing to buy something that is either permanent or affects all my characters simultaneously. I buy Shared Bank, I buy crafting storage, I buy content, Universal Trees, Classes, Races, Expansions and so far I have all the top tier expansions because they usually come with something for ALL my characters at once. A purchased or purchase-able Account doohickey that some how shares or shares a portion of the earned Reaper XP would be worthwhile and useful
    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    in terms of financial incentives here is what they lost from me:

    1) store tomes - I would purchase the top store tome on all my alts - playing much fewer characters now I purchase much fewer store tomes than I used to
    2) Chest rerolls - fewer characters means fewer rerolls
    3) Otto boxes - simply don't need them with fewer characters - SSG can see my declining purchase history
    4) Other purchases - having many characters means making purchases to shortcut the grind - all those things are lost

    SSG is leaving money on the table at least from me
    Quote Originally Posted by donblas View Post
    I'll never spend money on anything that just benefits a single toon.

    SSG needs to find account-wide benefits that i will pay for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valerianus View Post
    the recurring "encourage alt play", surely nice for those who love alts, imho is first and foremost, from a company perspective, a matter of getting more cash and i'm surprised it was never addressed.
    i would estimate additional purchases of 50$ at minimum on a per-character basis for tomes/bags/etc. for each of my alts *if* character progression were account based. it gets worse... imagine if all rxp went into an account pool. suddenly all those sov2's i only use on one or two 'toons... i would have to start using them on everyone. because there wouldn't be a single minute of in-quest time that wasn't going towards an account-wide pool. man... just thinking about all that money. maybe my wallet and i should just shut-up and be grateful for the fact that ddo doesn't support alt play. ;-)

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Ok. So what encourages people to run alts? What incentives should be in place that players receive because they play more alts?
    The only incentive in the history of DDO, that I can think of where alts played a major role, would be in module 6(?) when 'Shroud' was released. Somewhat easy raid with a timer and otherworldly unbound loot.

    As it is now, I agree with Slarden´s post on page 2. Alts I don´t care nor spend any rescources on them due to it.

  9. #49
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    The only incentive in the history of DDO, that I can think of where alts played a major role, would be in module 6(?) when 'Shroud' was released. Somewhat easy raid with a timer and otherworldly unbound loot.

    As it is now, I agree with Slarden´s post on page 2. Alts I don´t care nor spend any rescources on them due to it.
    I would say that raid timer bypasses have created a negative impact on alts. Before the bypass timers you had to have other characters to be able to run the same raid more than twice a week.

    Also if I recall correctly, when the Shroud originally came out in that time. The game was kind of at a pause / standstill and there was no new content or level increase for quite a long time. So players had ample time to create new alts because there was nothing new to do.

    Also on the subject of raid bypass timers I do think that they're also a good and positive impact on the game however the necessity to have alts at cap to run end game raids no longer exist.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  10. #50
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy9999 View Post
    If you can't play an alt you need to rethink if this game is really for you. I can't even be bothered reading the post!!! I just got a new player 56 reaper points in a few weeks. He been running r10 at cap no problems healing as a cleric, insta killing etc. Get off the forums with the tears and put some effort in.
    This is correct it is possible to get Reaper points fairly easy but this discussion is not about your skill and ability to do so.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    I would say that raid timer bypasses have created a negative impact on alts. Before the bypass timers you had to have other characters to be able to run the same raid more than twice a week.

    Also if I recall correctly, when the Shroud originally came out in that time. The game was kind of at a pause / standstill and there was no new content or level increase for quite a long time. So players had ample time to create new alts because there was nothing new to do.

    Also on the subject of raid bypass timers I do think that they're also a good and positive impact on the game however the necessity to have alts at cap to run end game raids no longer exist.
    Back then you could have a toon with equal power within a week, if you were really lucky with raid drops. Today, even if you are no-lifer you need at least 6 months of 24/7 play.

    I can only remember one case of bypass that was noticeable but I wasn´t personally bothered with it til 'the first big dupe wave' came around. At least, the Devs addressed that, sadly they did nothing about xp-pots except added an extreme amount of extra salt to non-dupers (racial completionist is x3 instead of x1, xp pots stacks with rxp-progression etc etc).

  12. #52
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    The only incentive in the history of DDO, that I can think of where alts played a major role, would be in module 6(?) when 'Shroud' was released. Somewhat easy raid with a timer and otherworldly unbound loot.

    As it is now, I agree with Slarden´s post on page 2. Alts I don´t care nor spend any rescources on them due to it.
    At least in my opinion the game heavily encouraged and rewarded alts earlier in the game's history.

    Shroud was certainly a factor, but so was raiding in general. Being able to run raids like tower of despair, epic chrononoscope, epic plane of night, epic zawabi's revenge more frequently was a significant advantage to get the mats for rare items and top-tier tomes.

    Since epic quests could only be run once per day it was common to have an alt to fill various roles needed for groups (back then tank, healer, cc and dps were the main roles). The timer combined with less content meant alts were really needed and most people playing end game had several.

    Alts were expected to bring their A-game, but back that then it was mostly gear not past lifes. Many of us running epic content created and invested in alts at that time. Now those alts are mostly bank characters.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  13. #53
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post

    Also if I recall correctly, when the Shroud originally came out in that time. The game was kind of at a pause / standstill and there was no new content or level increase for quite a long time. So players had ample time to create new alts because there was nothing new to do.
    We have to limp back to 2008 in order to find an example. This was before any of the TR systems were added. Even then there were 8 raids to farm.

    2009 was the next level increase with epics as well as True Reincarnation. Plenty to do at that point.

    Once the reincarnation systems were added there was plenty for people to do - even those who like to stick with one character and one character only.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  14. #54
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Ok. So what encourages people to run alts? What incentives should be in place that players receive because they play more alts?
    Account based progression from this point forward.

    There is more than enough to do on any single character with all of the BTC reincarnation systems.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  15. #55
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy9999 View Post
    If you can't play an alt you need to rethink if this game is really for you. I can't even be bothered reading the post!!! I just got a new player 56 reaper points in a few weeks. He been running r10 at cap no problems healing as a cleric, insta killing etc. Get off the forums with the tears and put some effort in.
    Some folks just want to play the game and not have to go all "DDO is serious business" just to circumvent the soft-barriers to entry. We also do not want to be forced to play the game a single way (yeah we know what youre doing to get those reaper points quickly) or be forced to play a specific style of play (heal-bot just to get accepted into R10s at cap on a 0 RP toon)

    Quote Originally Posted by timmy9999 View Post
    Get off the forums with the tears and put some effort in.
    Please have this same attitude when something "needs" to be nerfed...

    Also: Effort should not be confused with time consumption.

    You guys against others having fun have yet to tell us how it would affect you negatively if RXP was account rather than character.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  16. #56
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    I'm not sure I agree with every character sharing the rxp with the highest.
    What problem would it cause to you if I go to a raid with you and we find out we got 7 nukers but no healers so I swap from a nuker to a similarly strong healer instead of bringing in one that has to be healed by the party? Would it make your playtime worthless?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    That is giving away the farm on rxp. I'd like to see characters getting a jump start, but each character should still have to achieve their own rxp after a certain (unlocked) account reward.
    Well, good for you, you must enjoy this game a lot if you like grinding (farming) so much that you think it is a good game design. I don't think it is. I think it just makes the game boring. I just closed my client because I'm just so bored with the gear farming (so I could have a sort-of useful alt at cap). Just going to watch a movie. Same will happen tomorrow, log in, maybe will stomach a whole quest then log out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post

    So what kind of rxp account reward would make sense?

    What number would be worth reaching and what number would be worth rewarding?
    It would be all for just to play one toon to reach those milestones. So it does not really help, if I grind out 120 points to get 2 on an alt. The powergap between my characters will stay and I will chose the "main" toon for a reaper raid and definitely not the gimp.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  17. #57
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanordog View Post
    What problem would it cause to you if I go to a raid with you and we find out we got 7 nukers but no healers so I swap from a nuker to a similarly strong healer instead of bringing in one that has to be healed by the party? Would it make your playtime worthless?

    Well, good for you, you must enjoy this game a lot if you like grinding (farming) so much that you think it is a good game design. I don't think it is. I think it just makes the game boring. I just closed my client because I'm just so bored with the gear farming (so I could have a sort-of useful alt at cap). Just going to watch a movie. Same will happen tomorrow, log in, maybe will stomach a whole quest then log out.

    It would be all for just to play one toon to reach those milestones. So it does not really help, if I grind out 120 points to get 2 on an alt. The powergap between my characters will stay and I will chose the "main" toon for a reaper raid and definitely not the gimp.
    To answer your question without you doing it for me........Grinding this and grinding that in a game is pointless. Sure, I might TR all the time, and I might occasionally run a quest a few times in a row to get the item I want, but if it feels GRINDY, i just stop doing that. Why would anyone want to do something recreational that they don't like. You even said you get bored, you watch a movie. Well kudos........

    <sarcasm on)Did you have anything of value you wanted to add to the discussion outside of a casual rant? Pretty casual rant, at best a normal rant. But stay on topic. We are talking about reaper xp, so at least have a reaper level rant for goodness sake.</sarcasm off>
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    You're complaining about your own decision to go wide instead of going deep. If you're not happy with your decision, then change your goals. Go deep with one or two toons. Get those past lives, and the RXP. Enjoy the journey.
    Nope, I'm not complaining - just stating facts. I already have about 21 past lives - over maybe 18 toons. I do enjoy the journey as-is.

    I'm happy with the game and don't demand any changes.

    If SSG want to tempt me to spend money then they need to provide more account-wide purchasable stuff. No way will I buy stuff that just gives one character a benefit when I might not play that toon for a year!

    If they don't want me spend more money then I'm fine with that too.
    He left the name, at which the world grew pale.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by timmy9999 View Post
    I just got a new player 56 reaper points in a few weeks. .
    Wouldn't it be better if they got the reaper points themselves, rather than rely on you?
    He left the name, at which the world grew pale.

  20. #60
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Yes I had, I told You, your idea is basically good but not the way you want it. It would only help the those players who don't need help since they got skill and/or group to get rxp fast. In fact it will just widen the gap by making new toons for those players readily powerful while those who slog behind won't gain anything. Your proposal alt friendly only for the "top" players. It is just more power to those who already have plenty.

    Also, You forgot to tell me, on what way account wide rxp affect your gameplay?
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

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