We have seen more than a few posts about Alts and wanting incentives to play them. So here is an idea.
We have Favor unlocks for level 4 characters at 1000 favor, and level 7 characters for 3000 favor. How would a reaper xp unlock account wide?
1. It would have to be hard to achieve. At least 100 reaper points (10mil rxp) for the first unlock. And maybe the second unlock at 156 reaper points.
2. Unlocking would be account wide for all characters on that server on a single account.
3. Reward would be 10 reaper points and 20 reaper points to each character on your account.
4. If a character already has that amount of reaper points or more, they do not receive the reward. This would basically be jumpstarting your alts just like the favor reward and leveling.
Keep in mind, 10 reapers points is 100k rxp, and 20 reaper points is 400k rxp. That is a drop in the hat for players that have reached 100 and 156 reaper points.
Reaper Experience Unlocking Reward
When a character reaches 10,000,000 reaper xp, all future characters on that account start with 10 reaper points.
When a character reaches 24,336,000 reaper xp, all future characters on that account start with 20 reaper points.
1/8/2021 update
I like where this conversation is going. Ok. Lets say we took every character on a single account. We total up all the reaper xp that your account has accumulated and once that TOTAL (of all characters on 1 account combined) hits a certain amount, that unlocks the Reaper Experience Reward.
Account Wide Total Reaper XP of 10,000,000 rewards all current and future characters access to your first 10 reaper points (100,000rxp)
Account Wide Total Reaper XP of 20,000,000 rewards all current and future characters access to your first 20 reaper points (400,000rxp)
Rewards are account based and the achievements would be unlocked on total accumulation of RXP on your account.
also.......I know that we have not seen any other cosmetic rewards, and there are more than a few that have reached the current 156 reaper points that earns the final reward of full points usable. Plat sinks have a common place in this game, but reaper wings are crazy plat sinks....Why not at 156 reaper points, you can just get your reaper cosmetics for free. Unlocking a 4th NPC that gives all cosmetics to that 1 character for free forever?
1/11/2021 update
What about an account across the board 1% that goes to every character on your account regardless of which one you play. This reward would be given to every character that you have on the same account. When you achieve a certain amount or shared reaper xp, it would unlock a bonus that is unlocked for each and every character on the account.
Each character earns rxp as normal but 1% gets accumulated into a shared rxp account. When that account gets to a certain amount, a reward is unlocked for each character on the same account.