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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Need help for Heroic classes TR builds


    Im running the TR threadmill, specifically I m looking at to get 3 druid lives for the summons buff,

    but I am also a completionist and will want to do other lives eventually and for the classes which I dont adjust too well (druid being one of those ) I really wanted a build that allowed me to run those 20 levels quickly and painlessly

    Currently I have all of the non classes trees (inquisitor, feydark illusionist, etc) so I was wondering if I could do something with those and what would the class split be, its important that is a build which is not class dependant, Ive been seeing ranger/artificer or rogue + 9 levels of the class you want using inquisitive.

    Do that work? or there are better alternatives now with feydark? if not, what would be the options ?

    Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    First, when looking at a TR/RR build, consider the (typical) process - race to 18, bank then take 20, grab your 20 Tokens, and Reincarnate to start again. This means that, optimally, you are only Level 20 for as few quests as it takes you to gather those 20 ToT's. SO, it's not a bad plan to think of this as an "18 level build", since the last 2 levels will add only for the briefest time possible.

    Just something to consider.

    (Of course, not true if you're going to 30, or going to farm anything else once at 20+.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Riei_Arkanus View Post
    ... build which is not class dependant, Ive been seeing ranger/artificer or rogue + 9 levels of the class you want using inquisitive.
    What you want is called a "TR Template" - something that allows you to plug in any Dominant class for that Past Life. (Sim w/ RR, but easier w/ races.) Can make for some interesting, quirky builds, with unexpected "bonus features" from class abilities (esp spells), and some 3rd classes will always work better than others, but the core template is always the juice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Riei_Arkanus View Post
    Ive been seeing ranger/artificer or rogue + 9 levels of the class you want using inquisitive.
    Actually, probably just 8 levels of the desired class = 6/6/8 mix (and some* 7/6/7 mixes would work too, if that first "7" got you something good (like a caster's next tier of spells), and/or if the PL's "8" is just not noticeably useful).

    Inquisitor w/ either Rogue/Arti or Ranger/Arti are both standard mixes these days, or something like a R8/Arti 4/X 8*, tho' I don't have my links to that template atm** - but I'm sure someone will have it.

    (Rog 9/Arti 2 (for the Rune Arm), +9 of about half* the other classes is another. Arti 4 can be attractive too, as Fusilade adds to the Inquis' No Holds Barred, yielding a Rog 7-8/Arti 4/X 8, which gets you Rogue's Improved Uncanny Dodge.)

    (* Unfortunately, not really for Druid PL's, as a Druid loses all ties except to Alchi - just sayin' for completeness. See Dominant Class for details on what determines Dominant Class for PL's.)

    (** I do have a RR template for that handy; it uses all of Ranger, Rogue and Arti, but you can see where it's going w/ each, and that most AP (41) are in Inquis:

    Also, here's Unbongwah's thoughts on an AP split - pulling just from Inquis & Arti, so the rest are Class abilities, which would lean toward Ranger. (note that the thread is on RR's, not Class PL's, but still useful info.))

  3. #3
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    6 Ranger, 6 Arti and the rest as your past life class.

    First 2 levels as Arti, then up to and including level 8 as Ranger, then take your other 4 Arti levels and finish off with your past life class.

    Feats you want.

    1. Point Blank Shot.
    3. FE - Undead + Completionist (if not Completionist take Precision instead).
    6. Completionist or Precision depending on what you took at level 3, if you don't have Completionist then take Insightful Reflexes.
    7. FE - Evil Outsider.
    9. IC: Ranged Weapons.
    12. Improved Precise Shot.

    Any other feats are your choice depending on what your plan is past level 20.

    Stats wise you want max INT and then depending on what tomes you have you need enough DEX to reach 19 at level 12 for IPS. Put remaining points in to CON and if you have an odd point left over then either STR for carry weight or CHA for extra UMD.

    Skills you want to max out trapping skills and UMD mainly, put some in Jump, Heal and Diplomacy.

    Enhancements you want to use the Harper tree for your first 11 or so points to get Know the Angles and INT for to-hit and damage. Once you have that done start filling in the Inquisitor tree. You want about 25 or so in DWS for Sniper Shot, Thrill of the Hunt and Killer but you won't get those till around 18 or so but it's not really a problem.

    Gear wise you want a decent repeater for the early levels and then switch to say Diplomancer at level 5 (if you don't have one stick with repeaters) and rock that till level 8 where you get Ratcatcher and use that all the way to 20. Some folks use Nightshade Shooter at level 15 but I like the crits from Ratty Other than that though you want an INT item and CON item (I craft my own). Once level 10 arrives you can add Insightful stats (if you have the materials) around here Ravenloft items come in so can switch to those if you have them and then switch to Sharn gear (Wallwatch set) at level 15 and rock that to 20.


    PS - I am extremely tired while writing this so my apologies in case I missed something or made any mistakes.

  4. #4
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    What do you enjoy playing? Base a build on that.

  5. #5
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riei_Arkanus View Post
    Currently I have all of the non classes trees (inquisitor, feydark illusionist, etc) so I was wondering if I could do something with those and what would the class split be, its important that is a build which is not class dependent, Ive been seeing ranger/artificer or rogue + 9 levels of the class you want using inquisitive.

    Do that work? or there are better alternatives now with feydark? if not, what would be the options ?

    For more or less pure builds:
    Vistani swf works pretty well with wolf - stuff like sky pirates dagger & nightforge spike are pretty good options.

    Nuker druid, wolf & bear would benefit from no mercy out of falconry

    You can basically ignore class tree's and just do anything as inqusitive, but it's not as strong as it used to be - Can just go int focus, 41 ap inq, 12 harper, and w/e for anything else.

    3 points into feydark gets you illusionary weapons, which is great if you don't like wear from oozes & rust monsters etc.

    Best plan IMO is just to make sure you have the gear organized for the life you want to run, Sharn/RL sets, CC gear, clickies, etc, and have fun

  6. #6
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riei_Arkanus View Post

    Im running the TR threadmill, specifically I m looking at to get 3 druid lives for the summons buff,

    but I am also a completionist and will want to do other lives eventually and for the classes which I dont adjust too well (druid being one of those ) I really wanted a build that allowed me to run those 20 levels quickly and painlessly

    Currently I have all of the non classes trees (inquisitor, feydark illusionist, etc) so I was wondering if I could do something with those and what would the class split be, its important that is a build which is not class dependant, Ive been seeing ranger/artificer or rogue + 9 levels of the class you want using inquisitive.

    Do that work? or there are better alternatives now with feydark? if not, what would be the options ?

    Thanks in advance!!
    Personally for druid I comboed out with pdk going fighter 1 barbarian 1 druid 18 wolf speed + falconeer wis att/dmg thing and it was really cool to grab the pdk ability too
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    You can also do a Warlock 9/X 11 (or 10/10 for some of the newer classes). Warlock is strong enough to pull that off.

    Utterdark, cone, both blasts, metamagics, and Light + <Pact> spellpower, done.

    Glom on a single level of Wizard for free Metamagic, Cleric for Light Spellpower, or Barb for run/kite speed for a <Warlock 9/+1/X 10>, and off you go.

  8. #8
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    Enhancements you want to use the Harper tree for your first 11 ... start filling in the Inquisitor tree ... about 25 or so in DWS...
    Can you comment on the advantages of the DWS tree vs Arti's BE and getting the +10 Ranged Spellpower synergy w/ No Holds Barred? Are they close, or not even?

  9. #9
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Can you comment on the advantages of the DWS tree vs Arti's BE and getting the +10 Ranged Spellpower synergy w/ No Holds Barred? Are they close, or not even?
    I've never actually done it since it takes like 20(?) AP's just to get to it which seems to be a very investment. OK sure there are other things in tree that work but Sniper Shot is just too good to pass up! Add in Killer and I don't think it compares however, without actually doing it and trying it out I can't say for certain but I know for sure that I (personally) can't live without Sniper Shot.


  10. #10
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    What do you enjoy playing? Base a build on that.
    That's what I looked at.

    I've always played a bow ranger in PnP (character has never used a melee weapon), so I have been running a 2/6/12 rog/rng/x with basically just AA/DWS/Falconry (Dex or Wis to-hit/dam) or AA/DWS/Harper (Dex or Int to-hit/dam). trees.

    Get a few dual-slotted longbows with force/aligned and 2 damage rubies slotted and with morphic/metalline imbues and an elemental/force imbue, you can bypass any DR's.

    It's not the fastest but neither is my play style so...
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

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