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  1. #1
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default To many currencies?

    Coming back from a long break in the game, and it seems to me that there are entirely to many forms of currencies in this game now. Please forgive me when I say currencies, what I mean is: collectibles, ingredients, crafting supplies, etc. basically any unbound items that comes from a quest pack and you need to run that quest pack to death to get it to the point of having a useful amount of them. That in turn causes the item(s) to become a currency until the next quest pack is out and the grind starts all over.

    While I understand the theory/role play/business model of it, I’ve got to admit that it’s highly annoying as a returning player. RP wise: yeah, you need native ingredients to upgrade native items. You want people to play the new pack and not be able to upgrade the items immediately.

    Despite the fact that there is a whole house that specializes in crafting and making magic items that work in any world back in the marketplace. Surely they could make it work, like buying a generic iPhone screen (aka house c crafting items) to replace a cracked screen instead of the apple one(aka the current quest pack currency item). House C is like a master mechanic that can do anything, as long as it’s on the engine from a 1995 Chevy truck and nothing else. Even if it’s a player interaction thing, like 10 people need to leave item X with house C for a week while they study the device and that unlocks the server to use house c supplies to upgrade the item or something similar. No immediate upgrade, and people run the pack to get the item.

    Business wise, sure, they sell more bags, more bank space, more available characters to mule all these wonderful items about, but really... come on. Enough is enough. Can we not condense all these down some? Easier systems = friendlier to new and returning players. More players = more fun & profit.

    Thankfully the community has put out something like 42 (it is the answer) crafting planners, one for each type of crafting, so we kind of know what to run and how many to collect from each quest pack.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    House Cannith is only available in Eberron. Like airships it is a feature of the main game that is not transferrable to other worlds.

    SSG is contractually bound to maintain stability of the lore in DDO. This means that any new setting that is not in Eberron - e.g. Forgotten Realms, Barovia or the Feywild must have it's own lore-based crafting if crafting exists in that realm.

  3. #3
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    A few reasons I think;
    -Lore reasons, which includes contractual stuff.
    -To make players at least start from the same/similar points... eg. as per dev comments the Night Revels ingredients going bad is explicitly for this reason. Granted that didn't happen with the most recent one but that's due to pandemic disruption & Feywild development.
    -A new system is easier to deal with programming-wise, minimising issues with integrating into existing spaghetti code by just having them not interact. Explicitly stated by devs as the reason Thunderforged items can't be made sentient (to paraphrase Lynnabel, combing the 2 crafting systems might result in things setting themselves on fire & jumping into the sea). Work is ongoing on those systems behind the scenes, but it's one of those processes that takes a lot of effort & simply doesn't really show all that much on the front end.
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 01-04-2021 at 05:03 AM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  4. #4
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Jan 2015


    it's not about lore, they don't care about lore. honest question, i'm not familiar with the eberron setting, isn't lore-breaking the fact that siberys and khyber dragonshards fragments are dropping e.g. in feywild?

    btw, i don't think it is wrong to tie something planned to go along a setting\content with its own currency\craft material. it also means, when new content is released you have to run that content if you want the new stuff, i find this normal. the important thing is that it is unbound\bta, and that they rework old currencies\mats all into unbound\bta. the need of space and players buying it is also normal imho, the crafting storage was a good idea.

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