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Thread: Guild Storage I

  1. #1
    Community Member caberonia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Guild Storage I

    Okay so let me preface this with saying My astral shard collecting skills are beyond sub par.
    I have tried selling/etc etc to get enough for this however the point is I doubt I'll ever get one.

    So in comes my fabulous community of fellow Sarlonians. WTB or Trade almost anything I have for the Guild storage I amenity. *lvl 19 new type

    I will of course take any donations for other Astral shard Only type Guild amenities (xp shrine would be great but storage is priority) but this particular one is my biggest goal since it will hugely relieve stress for Tring.. way too many Alts and TR caches.

    I'm welcome to advice on gaining astral shards outside of buying them but I have read guides and followed as much advice as I could to no avail so my final plea goes out to my wonderful community on sarlona to help me out. Thanks everyone for the advice, the help, and the sneers of derision lol

    *Off topic but I think the number of levels between plat bought ships is just crazy.. lvl 55 and ive been using the same ship forEVER it seems and it'll be forever before i can get a new one.
    Last edited by caberonia; 12-29-2020 at 12:46 PM.
    Sarlona- Fistalis, Caberonia, Kerlik, Mashbirs, Molleck, Burrthistle, Enlitened, Rotheril, Maginos, Urrock, Talathis- Scholars of Aureon

  2. #2
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Livmo's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Default Thanks for shopping at the free store!

    Quote Originally Posted by caberonia View Post
    Okay so let me preface this with saying My astral shard collecting skills are beyond sub par.
    I have tried selling/etc etc to get enough for this however the point is I doubt I'll ever get one.

    So in comes my fabulous community of fellow Sarlonians. WTB or Trade almost anything I have for the Guild storage I amenity. *lvl 19 new type

    I will of course take any donations for other Astral shard Only type Guild amenities (xp shrine would be great but storage is priority) but this particular one is my biggest goal since it will hugely relieve stress for Tring.. way too many Alts and TR caches.

    I'm welcome to advice on gaining astral shards outside of buying them but I have read guides and followed as much advice as I could to no avail so my final plea goes out to my wonderful community on sarlona to help me out. Thanks everyone for the advice, the help, and the sneers of derision lol

    *Off topic but I think the number of levels between plat bought ships is just crazy.. lvl 55 and ive been using the same ship forEVER it seems and it'll be forever before i can get a new one.
    Sent 1 via in-game mail to Caberonia.

    Please make sure to hoard responsibly

  3. #3
    Community Member caberonia's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    Sent 1 via in-game mail to Caberonia.

    Please make sure to hoard responsibly
    Tyvm. If I can ever do anything to repay you just let me know. While I'm a man of little means I can always offer 2-5x extra chest pops if your trying to farm something depending on the pack.

    P.S. You just made TRing so much less of a chore I cant thank you enough.
    Last edited by caberonia; 12-31-2020 at 09:42 PM.
    Sarlona- Fistalis, Caberonia, Kerlik, Mashbirs, Molleck, Burrthistle, Enlitened, Rotheril, Maginos, Urrock, Talathis- Scholars of Aureon

  4. #4
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by caberonia View Post
    Tyvm. If I can ever do anything to repay you just let me know. While I'm a man of little means I can always offer 2-5x extra chest pops if your trying to farm something depending on the pack.

    P.S. You just made TRing so much less of a chore I cant thank you enough.
    You're welcome and Happy New Year!

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    Sent 1 via in-game mail to Caberonia.....

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  6. #6
    Community Member caberonia's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Things like this is truly what makes sarlona #1.
    Twice this week I asked for items that I was having trouble getting and both times they were given to me even though I would have happily paid for them.

    Off Topic: Can we for the love of all that is holy get another plat ship between the falcon and the gryphon.. I am so sick of looking at that ship.. 30 levels for a solo guild take SOOO long without using some questionable methods.
    Sarlona- Fistalis, Caberonia, Kerlik, Mashbirs, Molleck, Burrthistle, Enlitened, Rotheril, Maginos, Urrock, Talathis- Scholars of Aureon

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