If you are using a heart it really depends on your playstyle.
Soul Eater / Tainted Scholar has a higher ceiling - better dcs, higher dps, less defense
Enlightened Spirit / Tainted Scholar is more of a blasting defensive build - very painfully slow boss fights if soloing at epic levels, but the extra hp and defenses make it easier to play. The dps against mobs is good, it's really just boss damage that is noticeably weaker.
Tainted Scholar Capstone builds are just flat-out weaker versions of alchemist and sorc dps builds right now, but it will still get the job done. It's not so much a tainted scholar capstone build is terrible as other builds were buffed to incredible levels while warlock was nerfed.
Unless you want to go tanky with shields you will want this for epic leveling:
https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Epic_Coalesced_Coinage - solid all the way until level 26 at least and possibly all the way to cap depending on whether you have some good off-hand lgs items available at 26.
The one-two punch of tentacles + greater color spray is really really good right now. If you ever wanted to try DC casting - this is the time to do it. You don't need top tier dcs to make this combo work well so you should use this combo with any build you try. If you are light-focused rather than force focused turn off metamagic on tentacles so it costs less.
Thank you so much for your response. I was looking at your updated builds earlier. I was thinking about attempting to adapt your Bladeforged build to
Exalted Angel is almost certainly the best destiny for you.