Hello! I've been trying to buy feywild standard edition with my international credit card. I usually do stuff like that on this card and never had any issues, including buying expansions for DDO but this time the new marketplace is messing with me. For some reason the markeplace is converting the USD price to BRL ( my country's coin) on the billing and thats not allowed around here. International transactions should be billed on its original coin or wont be approved at all. I've also bought a pre paid paypal's credit card trying to work around this issue but no success the billing goes in BRL for the paypal too.
Sorry for posting it on the forums but the support on the website is also messy and keeps directing me to daybreak's support page that dont even features DDO/Lotro on its FAQs. I really wanted to access the new content and support DDO but feels like that support is not wanted at all. Please, help.